Starterliste IRONMAN Austria 2019
von Redaktion

2 | Tutukin | Ivan | MPRO | RUS |
3 | Rana | Ivan | MPRO | ESP |
4 | Plese | David | MPRO | SVN |
5 | Wojt | Lukasz | MPRO | DEU |
6 | Bowstead | Mark | MPRO | NZL |
7 | Ackermann | Johann | MPRO | DEU |
8 | Giglmayr | Andreas | MPRO | AUT |
9 | Reitmayr | Paul | MPRO | AUT |
10 | Ruttmann | Paul | MPRO | AUT |
11 | Schlagbauer | Christoph | MPRO | AUT |
12 | Niederreiter | Daniel | MPRO | AUT |
13 | Liebelt | Markus | MPRO | DEU |
14 | Batisda Andujar | Pedro Jose | MPRO | ESP |
15 | Cadario | Anthony | MPRO | FRA |
16 | Delsaut | Trevor | MPRO | FRA |
17 | Diederen | Bas | MPRO | NLD |
18 | Djouad-Guibert | Alain | MPRO | MAR |
19 | Esser | Olivier | MPRO | BEL |
20 | Garcin | Romain | MPRO | FRA |
21 | Goetstouwers | Stenn | MPRO | BEL |
22 | Gonzalez Miranda | Oliver | MPRO | MEX |
23 | Hammerle | Maximilian | MPRO | AUT |
24 | Kandutsch | Florian | MPRO | AUT |
25 | Mlinar | Markus | MPRO | AUT |
26 | Müllner | Peter | MPRO | AUT |
27 | Nemcik | Marek | MPRO | SVK |
29 | Polan | Lukas | MPRO | CZE |
30 | Svoboda | Josef | MPRO | CZE |
31 | Volejnik | Michal | MPRO | CZE |
32 | Kovacic | Jaroslav | MPRO | SVN |
33 | Hogenhaug | Kristian | MPRO | DNK |
34 | Blokhin | Anton | MPRO | UKR |
35 | Ruenz | MIchael | MPRO | DEU |
36 | Hankó | Dávid | MPRO | HUN |
37 | Gräf | Alexander | MPRO | AUT |
38 | Jilek | David | MPRO | CZE |
39 | Bækkegård | Daniel | MPRO | DNK |
40 | Costes | Antony | MPRO | Frau |
41 | Ohad | Sinai | MPRO | ISR |
42 | Russell | Matt | MPRO | USA |
43 | Duelsen | Marc | MPRO | DEU |
61 | Ryf | Daniela | FPRO | CHE |
62 | Steurer | Bianca | FPRO | AUT |
63 | Naeth | Angela | FPRO | CAN |
64 | Eberhardt | Anna | FPRO | HUN |
65 | Hartikainen | Heini | FPRO | FIN |
66 | Basso | Anne | FPRO | Frau |
67 | Saban Milicic | Zeljka | FPRO | HRV |
68 | Krivankova | Simona | FPRO | CZE |
70 | Derron | Michelle | FPRO | CHE |
71 | Sanjana | Frankie | FPRO | GBR |
101 | Martindale | Jason | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
102 | Brock | Katrine | F25-29 | DNK (Denmark) |
103 | Exenberger | Sabrina | F25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
104 | Wolf | Caroline | F25-29 | DNK (Denmark) |
105 | Obmann | Gabriele Maria | F30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
106 | Pauline | Selleslagh | F30-34 | BEL (Belgium) |
107 | Stormo | Trude | F35-39 | NOR (Norway) |
108 | Tschudi | Monika | F35-39 | CHE (Switzerland) |
109 | Lehtinen | Sanna | F40-44 | FIN (Finland) |
110 | Peukert | Diana | F40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
111 | Rietz | Marcella | F45-49 | USA (United States of America) |
112 | Bachmann-G. | Birgit | F50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
113 | Lemmens | Bram | M25-29 | BEL (Belgium) |
114 | Accardo | Marco | M30-34 | ITA (Italy) |
115 | Burkinshaw | Tom | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
116 | Taranenko | Viktor | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
117 | Trost | Stefan | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
118 | Weitz | Matti | M30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
119 | Chraibi | Hicham | M35-39 | MAR (Morocco) |
120 | Herrero Tomas | Pablo | M35-39 | ESP (Spain) |
121 | Jakubícek | Jan | M35-39 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
122 | Neuscheler | Michael | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
123 | Pfaller | Rene | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
124 | Sahyoun | Sebastien | M35-39 | MAR (Morocco) |
125 | Stormo | Lars Petter | M35-39 | NOR (Norway) |
126 | Walser | Stephan | M35-39 | CHE (Switzerland) |
127 | Zgraggen | Aldo | M35-39 | CHE (Switzerland) |
128 | Baker | Edward | M40-44 | USA (United States of America) |
129 | Bauer | Rene | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
130 | Bedniuk | Oleksandr | M40-44 | UKR (Ukraine) |
131 | Castelberg | Ralph | M40-44 | CHE (Switzerland) |
132 | Chiumenti | Marco Simone | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
133 | Cloet | Julien | M40-44 | FRA (France) |
134 | Denša | Domen | M40-44 | SVN (Slovenia) |
135 | Finck | Nicolas | M40-44 | FRA (France) |
136 | Fuchs | Andreas | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
137 | Gafner | Thomas | M40-44 | CHE (Switzerland) |
138 | Grässli | Tobias | M40-44 | CHE (Switzerland) |
139 | Halkjær | Morten | M40-44 | DNK (Denmark) |
140 | Kalinin | Dmitry | M40-44 | RUS (Russian Federation) |
141 | Klatka | Mariusz | M40-44 | POL (Poland) |
142 | Lepier | Jan | M40-44 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
143 | Maher | Alastair | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
144 | Mcintosh | Mark | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
145 | Mosley | Garron | M40-44 | ZAF (South Africa) |
146 | Palmer | Stephen | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
147 | Palonés Llopis | Vicente | M40-44 | ESP (Spain) |
148 | Anderson | Stuart | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
149 | Bayer | Markus | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
150 | Danek | Bartek | M45-49 | POL (Poland) |
151 | Dermody | Stephen | M45-49 | IRL (Ireland) |
152 | Harinck | David | M45-49 | BEL (Belgium) |
153 | Holthaus | Allard | M45-49 | NLD (Netherlands) |
154 | Leitner | Franz | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
155 | Mackensen | Sylvester | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
156 | Paladino | Pietro | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
157 | Ranta | Jussi | M45-49 | FIN (Finland) |
158 | Schutjes | Alain | M45-49 | BEL (Belgium) |
159 | Škabrada | Jan | M45-49 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
160 | Tallon | Glyn | M45-49 | IRL (Ireland) |
161 | Tinkler | Simon | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
162 | Ugherani | Marco | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
163 | Whittlestone | Scott | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
164 | Wodynski | Robert | M45-49 | POL (Poland) |
165 | Braglia | Enrico | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
166 | Buchmueller | Thomas | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
167 | Chaid | Steve | M50-54 | USA (United States of America) |
168 | De Cleer | Vincent | M50-54 | BEL (Belgium) |
169 | Fox | Thomas | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
170 | Fuegel | Kai | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
171 | Haidenek | Peter | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
172 | Heroldt | Lance | M50-54 | ZAF (South Africa) |
173 | Jones | Mark | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
174 | Jung | Lorenz | M50-54 | CHE (Switzerland) |
175 | Kepic | Uros | M50-54 | SVN (Slovenia) |
176 | Muller | Bernard | M50-54 | FRA (France) |
177 | Pasqualini | Guido | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
178 | Shimanovskiy | Konstantin | M50-54 | RUS (Russian Federation) |
179 | Srb | Thomas | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
180 | Vosloo | Christopher | M50-54 | ZAF (South Africa) |
181 | Zeller | Rudolf | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
182 | Chang | Andrew | M55-59 | SGP (Singapore) |
183 | Huber | Werner | M55-59 | ITA (Italy) |
184 | Käkönen | Pertti | M55-59 | FIN (Finland) |
185 | Larsen | Henrik | M55-59 | DNK (Denmark) |
186 | Mulyukov | Azat | M55-59 | RUS (Russian Federation) |
187 | Pepler | Andre | M55-59 | ZAF (South Africa) |
188 | Skov | Charly Christian | M55-59 | DNK (Denmark) |
189 | Bezak | Jozef | M60-64 | SVK (Slovakia) |
190 | Connelly | William | M60-64 | FRA (France) |
191 | Knaeps | Mark | M60-64 | BEL (Belgium) |
192 | Madden | Kurt | M60-64 | USA (United States of America) |
193 | Bakken | Asbjoern | M65-69 | NOR (Norway) |
194 | Kovalenko | Vadim | M30-34 | UKR (Ukraine) |
195 | Gryzodub | Dmytro | M35-39 | UKR (Ukraine) |
196 | Wojtylo | Olimpia | F35-39 | POL (Poland) |
197 | Eversdijk | Ilona | F25-29 | NLD (Netherlands) |
198 | Altenbeck-Zorn | Melanie | F30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
199 | Damgaard Eriksen | Anna | F30-34 | DNK (Denmark) |
200 | Haumer | Ulli | F30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
201 | Jackson | Tash | F30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
203 | Stähli | Cornelia | F30-34 | CHE (Switzerland) |
204 | Edwards | April | F35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
205 | Hubbell | Raya | F35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
206 | Inalize | Oosthuizen | F35-39 | ZAF (South Africa) |
207 | Krawczyk | Aleksandra | F35-39 | POL (Poland) |
208 | Trombetta | Stefanie | F35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
209 | West | Nicole | F35-39 | ZAF (South Africa) |
210 | Malmberg | Emma | F40-44 | SWE (Sweden) |
211 | Moglioni | Silvia | F40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
212 | Seale | Audrey | F40-44 | ZAF (South Africa) |
213 | Wenske | Britta | F40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
214 | Butter | Christiana | F45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
215 | Hochwimmer | Sabine | F45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
216 | Hurter | Maria | F45-49 | ZAF (South Africa) |
217 | Kukrus | Valentina | F45-49 | RUS (Russian Federation) |
218 | Petersohn | Sandra | F45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
219 | Pflamitzer | Renate | F45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
220 | Vaulamo | Jaana | F45-49 | FIN (Finland) |
221 | Reiser | Anna | F30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
222 | Beck | Rachael | F50-54 | IRL (Ireland) |
223 | Coeck | Inge | F50-54 | BEL (Belgium) |
224 | Kuen | Renate | F50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
225 | Weidenkeller | Tina | F50-54 | USA (United States of America) |
226 | Norskov-Erichsen | Tina Maria | F55-59 | DNK (Denmark) |
227 | Model | Elizabeth | F60-64 | CAN (Canada) |
228 | Artmayr | Mathias | M18-24 | AUT (Austria) |
229 | Buchinger | Andreas | M18-24 | AUT (Austria) |
230 | Berghmans | Gregory | M25-29 | BEL (Belgium) |
231 | Bouillard | Vincent | M25-29 | FRA (France) |
232 | Hägg | Karl | M25-29 | SWE (Sweden) |
233 | Herrele | Heinz-Peter | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
234 | Himpelmann | Tim | M25-29 | DEU (Germany) |
235 | Khalamanov | Alexander | M25-29 | RUS (Russian Federation) |
236 | Lolli | Massimiliano | M25-29 | ITA (Italy) |
237 | Mai | Johannes | M25-29 | DEU (Germany) |
238 | Stadler | Luis | M25-29 | DEU (Germany) |
239 | Wachter | Johannes | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
240 | Braun | Christian | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
253 | Real Vicens | Gaspar | M30-34 | ESP (Spain) |
254 | Reid | Owen | M30-34 | USA (United States of America) |
255 | Schmittner | Thomas | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
256 | Schneller | Martin | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
257 | Sciortino | Simone | M30-34 | ITA (Italy) |
258 | Steininger | Stephan | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
259 | Tallafuss | Gerald | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
260 | Van Craenenbroeck | Filip | M30-34 | BEL (Belgium) |
261 | Winzeler | Fabian | M30-34 | CHE (Switzerland) |
262 | Allering | Martin | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
263 | Bertossi | Daniele | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
264 | Callebaut | Cedric | M35-39 | BEL (Belgium) |
265 | Costanzo | Gabriele | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
266 | Daledo | Luca | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
267 | Dussart | Vincent | M35-39 | BEL (Belgium) |
268 | Filke | Tobias | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
269 | Gesellmann | Andreas | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
270 | Golovashchenko | Dmitry | M35-39 | RUS (Russian Federation) |
271 | Grössinger | Alexander | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
272 | Haumann | Tobias | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
273 | Herzig | Sebastian | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
274 | Komlosi | Zoltan | M35-39 | HUN (Hungary) |
275 | Laudadio | Mirko | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
276 | Lin | Chih-Hao | M35-39 | China) |
277 | List | Markus | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
289 | Suray | Damien | M35-39 | BEL (Belgium) |
290 | Tarski | Tomasz | M35-39 | POL (Poland) |
291 | Valesani | Diego | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
292 | Wimmer | Dominic. | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
293 | Yu | Ming Ming | M35-39 | NLD (Netherlands) |
294 | Zannini | Stefano | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
295 | Antonelli | Massimo | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
296 | Baldo | Ruggero | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
297 | Capdevila | Joan | M40-44 | ESP (Spain) |
298 | Cenek | Petr | M40-44 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
299 | Chroneer | Tobias | M40-44 | SWE (Sweden) |
300 | Clam | Pierre | M40-44 | BEL (Belgium) |
301 | Coufal | Jan | M40-44 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
302 | Cucca | Salvatore | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
303 | Czerwiec | Artur | M40-44 | POL (Poland) |
304 | Danek | Michal | M40-44 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
305 | D’Hoossche | Tom | M40-44 | BEL (Belgium) |
306 | Ellison | Richard | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
307 | Ferrante | Luigi | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
308 | Geller | Jon | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
309 | Griffiths | Kevin | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
310 | Haslar | Premysl | M40-44 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
311 | Hrvat | Danijel | M40-44 | SVN (Slovenia) |
312 | Jäger | Matthias | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
313 | Jufer | Lukas | M40-44 | CHE (Switzerland) |
314 | Kaiaev | Ramazan | M40-44 | KGZ (Kyrgyzstan) |
326 | Sánchez | Antonio | M40-44 | ESP (Spain) |
327 | Scaramuzza | Marco | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
329 | Strzała | Grzegorz | M40-44 | POL (Poland) |
330 | Trieb | Mikael | M40-44 | SWE (Sweden) |
331 | Tyszka | Dariusz | M40-44 | POL (Poland) |
332 | Vermeiren | Kris | M40-44 | BEL (Belgium) |
333 | Weingärtner | Matthias | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
334 | Weisenberger | Michael | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
335 | Ausserhofer | Roland | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
336 | Bąk | Marek | M45-49 | POL (Poland) |
337 | Bauer | Stefan | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
338 | Bayer | Rudolf | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
339 | Bellet | Laurent | M45-49 | FRA (France) |
340 | Bérces | Gábor | M45-49 | HUN (Hungary) |
341 | Beré Ardanaz | Xavi | M45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
342 | Bini | Andrea | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
343 | Birk | Thorsten | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
344 | Cheong | Sacha | M45-49 | HKG (Hong Kong) |
346 | Csamay | Alexander | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
347 | Gamba | Francesco | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
348 | Ghirardelli | Fabio | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
349 | Glajc | Daniel | M45-49 | POL (Poland) |
350 | Goethals | Frederik | M45-49 | BEL (Belgium) |
351 | Gomez Gonzalez | Antonio | M45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
362 | Nicholls | Anthony | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
363 | Ötsch | Markus | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
364 | Pokorny | Alexej | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
365 | Pritasil | Tomas | M45-49 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
366 | Punter | Chris | M45-49 | NLD (Netherlands) |
367 | Rastinger | Gerhard | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
368 | Ratcliff | Stuart | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
369 | Rausch | Christian | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
370 | Renzullo | Giancarlo | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
371 | Rodriguez Paez | Sergio | M45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
372 | Sano | Andre | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
373 | Shmelev | Konstantin | M45-49 | RUS (Russian Federation) |
374 | Sousa | Nuno | M45-49 | PRT (Portugal) |
376 | Vandeschoor | Fred | M45-49 | BEL (Belgium) |
377 | Zanichelli | Angelo | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
378 | Arroub | Ramses | M50-54 | MAR (Morocco) |
379 | Beez | Wolfgang | M50-54 | USA (United States of America) |
380 | Bonfanti | Amedeo | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
381 | Daems | Luc | M50-54 | BEL (Belgium) |
383 | Dupont | Herve | M50-54 | FRA (France) |
384 | Enzler | Daniel | M50-54 | CHE (Switzerland) |
385 | Glaser | Robert | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
386 | Gruber | Ali | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
387 | Guglielmo | Fior | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
388 | Haberl | Andreas | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
397 | Richardson | Mark | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
398 | Rosseels | Guy | M50-54 | BEL (Belgium) |
399 | Schrenk | Harald | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
400 | Sparber | Florian | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
401 | Stornig | Klaus | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
402 | Tippelt | Andreas | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
403 | Van Hoof | Dirk | M50-54 | BEL (Belgium) |
405 | Conti | Stefano | M55-59 | ITA (Italy) |
406 | Della Cha | Andrea | M55-59 | ITA (Italy) |
407 | Feryn | Hans | M55-59 | BEL (Belgium) |
408 | Green | Stephen | M55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
409 | Haider | Reinhard | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
410 | Klein | Bart | M55-59 | NLD (Netherlands) |
411 | Lancaster | Salvador | M55-59 | USA (United States of America) |
412 | Malucelli | Marco | M55-59 | ITA (Italy) |
421 | Berger | Helmut | M60-64 | AUT (Austria) |
422 | Garnitschnig | Reinhold | M60-64 | AUT (Austria) |
423 | Latini | Mandi | M60-64 | AUT (Austria) |
424 | Schneider | Miron | M60-64 | AUT (Austria) |
425 | Wagner | Wolfgang | M60-64 | DEU (Germany) |
426 | Weidenkeller | Tim | M60-64 | USA (United States of America) |
427 | Mallepell | Jürg | M65-69 | CHE (Switzerland) |
428 | Wragg | John | M65-69 | CAN (Canada) |
429 | Pastorelli | Giovanni | M70-74 | ITA (Italy) |
430 | Weinbrandt | Richard | M75-79 | USA (United States of America) |
431 | Firlus | Thorsten | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
432 | Karpanova | Lyudmyla | F40-44 | UKR (Ukraine) |
433 | Herman | Denys | M35-39 | UKR (Ukraine) |
434 | Reznikov | Anton | M35-39 | UKR (Ukraine) |
435 | Stelmashchuk | Andriy | M35-39 | UKR (Ukraine) |
436 | Chrobot | Mariusz | M40-44 | POL (Poland) |
437 | Green | Ellie | F18-24 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
438 | Brandt Pedersen | Line | F25-29 | DNK (Denmark) |
439 | Mensaert | Charlotte | F25-29 | BEL (Belgium) |
440 | Tront | Alexandra | F25-29 | DEU (Germany) |
441 | Von Grünigen | Julie | F25-29 | CHE (Switzerland) |
442 | Arnborg | Kristine | F30-34 | DNK (Denmark) |
443 | Bier | Anna Katharina | F35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
444 | Bongard | Judith | F35-39 | CHE (Switzerland) |
445 | Fasulo | Jessica | F35-39 | USA (United States of America) |
446 | Mietschnig | Manuela | F35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
447 | Neumahr | Stefanie | F35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
448 | Novak | Nina | F35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
449 | Pustlauk | Maria | F35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
450 | Turza | Katharina | F35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
451 | Geelen | Heidi | F40-44 | BEL (Belgium) |
452 | Hurn | Lucy | F40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
453 | Kincel | Sieglinde | F40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
454 | Louise | Harris | F40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
455 | Mantellassi | Valeria | F40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
456 | Memminger | Andrea | F40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
457 | Serton | Sabine | F40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
458 | Boehm | Simone | F45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
460 | Halkjær | Annette | F45-49 | DNK (Denmark) |
461 | Hoffmann | Alexandra | F45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
462 | Jacobs | Ilse | F45-49 | BEL (Belgium) |
463 | Reilly | Eralda | F45-49 | ZAF (South Africa) |
464 | Stotz | Romy | F45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
465 | Werner | Katja | F45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
467 | Fuegel | Birgit | F50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
468 | Granit | Claudia | F50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
469 | Jones | Detra | F50-54 | USA (United States of America) |
470 | Lidman | Eva | F50-54 | SWE (Sweden) |
471 | Schomann | Ulrike | F50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
472 | Schwartz | Michelle | F50-54 | USA (United States of America) |
473 | Czerny | Susanna | F55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
474 | Williams | Lois | F55-59 | CAN (Canada) |
475 | Mygland | Åse | F60-64 | NOR (Norway) |
476 | Fuster Matias | Kevin | M25-29 | ESP (Spain) |
477 | Hiebl | Bernhard | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
478 | Schipperges | Vincent | M25-29 | DEU (Germany) |
479 | Schreiber | Manuel | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
480 | Schuster | Daniel | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
481 | Seifert | Christoph | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
482 | Aigner | Jürgen | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
483 | Blanc Alonso | Yoann | M30-34 | ESP (Spain) |
484 | Creis | Mikaël | M30-34 | FRA (France) |
485 | Criado | Romain | M30-34 | FRA (France) |
486 | Di Pietro | Claudio | M30-34 | ITA (Italy) |
487 | Duran Racero | Juan Carlos | M30-34 | ESP (Spain) |
488 | Ferat | Vadim | M30-34 | FRA (France) |
489 | Gamperl | Thomas | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
490 | Herber | Philipp | M30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
491 | Impastato | Giulio | M30-34 | ITA (Italy) |
492 | Kainz | Andi | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
493 | Kjølby Jørgensen | Martin | M30-34 | DNK (Denmark) |
494 | Kläy | Luc | M30-34 | CHE (Switzerland) |
495 | Klonner | Markus | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
496 | Kohlhauser | Stephan | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
497 | Kostanski | Andrzej | M30-34 | POL (Poland) |
498 | Marcon | Gianluca | M30-34 | ITA (Italy) |
499 | Obersamer | Lukas | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
500 | Recke | Norbert | M30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
501 | Schwarz | Andreas | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
502 | Sen | Nicholas | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
503 | Sommer | Johannes | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
504 | Tamm | Pirmin | M30-34 | EST (Estonia) |
505 | Vicini | Marco | M30-34 | ITA (Italy) |
506 | Bauer | Christian | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
507 | Bonesky | Thomas | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
508 | De Wulf | Thomas | M35-39 | BEL (Belgium) |
509 | Delnatte | Cédric | M35-39 | BEL (Belgium) |
510 | Dolle | Heiko | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
511 | Fürnschuss | Thomas | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
512 | Gyte | Neil | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
513 | Hirschler | Martin | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
514 | Humnig | Oliver | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
515 | Julia | Sebastia | M35-39 | ESP (Spain) |
516 | Kasparu | Jan | M35-39 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
517 | Klipp | Christoph | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
518 | Kutuzov | Andrey | M35-39 | RUS (Russian Federation) |
519 | Lanzer | Martin | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
520 | Oldenburg | Tim | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
521 | Panufnik | Tomasz | M35-39 | POL (Poland) |
522 | Porat | Asaf | M35-39 | ISR (Israel) |
523 | Schivardi | Alberto Duilio | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
524 | Sorvoja | Arto | M35-39 | FIN (Finland) |
525 | Teufer | Alex | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
526 | Van Der Donck | Roel | M35-39 | BEL (Belgium) |
527 | Van Nieuwenborgh | Davy | M35-39 | BEL (Belgium) |
528 | Zeiner | Alexander | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
529 | Biernacki | Krystian | M40-44 | POL (Poland) |
530 | Brauneis | Alexander | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
531 | Butuc | Marius | M40-44 | ROU (Romania) |
532 | Canto | Alexandro | M40-44 | FRA (France) |
533 | Capco | Ferdinand | M40-44 | PHL (Philippines) |
534 | Daughtrey | Brett | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
535 | Denoual | Stephane | M40-44 | FRA (France) |
536 | Dołkowski | Wojciech | M40-44 | POL (Poland) |
537 | Dorninger | Walter | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
538 | Eisenhut | Thomas | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
539 | Gianfreda | Roberto | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
540 | Giglio | Filippo | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
541 | Heaton-Jones | Anthony | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
542 | Kowalke | Jörg | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
543 | Kutnik | Voranc | M40-44 | SVN (Slovenia) |
544 | Larsson | Simon | M40-44 | SWE (Sweden) |
545 | Leonov | Anton | M40-44 | RUS (Russian Federation) |
546 | Malz | Markus | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
547 | Miramonti | Alberto | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
548 | Nawrocki | Stefan | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
549 | Polkowski | Marcin | M40-44 | POL (Poland) |
550 | Puche Ginard | Alfonso | M40-44 | ESP (Spain) |
551 | Rudnik | Tomasz | M40-44 | POL (Poland) |
552 | Sadonig | Jürgen | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
553 | Sauertnik | Jürgen | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
554 | Smuts | Paul | M40-44 | ZAF (South Africa) |
555 | Thomaschütz | René | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
556 | Vasquez | Santiago | M40-44 | ECU (Ecuador) |
557 | Vaughan | John | M40-44 | IRL (Ireland) |
558 | Walter | Urs | M40-44 | CHE (Switzerland) |
560 | Auer | Michael | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
561 | Breu | Christian | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
562 | Brunetti | Giovanni | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
563 | Bujdos | Radoslav | M45-49 | SVK (Slovakia) |
564 | Cauwelier | Pascal | M45-49 | BEL (Belgium) |
565 | Clash | Russell | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
566 | Croce | Michele | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
567 | Dick | Demeter | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
568 | Diependaele | Steven | M45-49 | BEL (Belgium) |
569 | Erhardt | Michael | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
570 | Frischkorn | Andreas | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
571 | Fuhrmann | Rainer | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
572 | Gleason | Mike | M45-49 | USA (United States of America) |
573 | Gomez Lopez | Jose Luis | M45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
574 | Gunnarsson | Ólafur | M45-49 | ISL (Iceland) |
575 | Holton | Aubrey | M45-49 | ZAF (South Africa) |
576 | Iantorno | Vittorio | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
577 | Izzo | Alessandro | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
578 | Janac | Alexander | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
579 | Jarnig | Harald | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
580 | Karner | Andreas | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
581 | Klopsch | Bernd | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
582 | Knoll | Stefan | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
583 | Kunze | Alexander | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
584 | Lazarev | Dmitry | M45-49 | LVA (Latvia) |
585 | Mollet-Vieville | Fabien | M45-49 | FRA (France) |
586 | Ocaña Roldan | Luis | M45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
587 | Ornsby | Steve | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
588 | Ortolan | Alessandro | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
589 | Oullie | Olivier | M45-49 | FRA (France) |
590 | Pinzuti | Giovanni | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
591 | Pöltl | Rainer | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
592 | Pressnig | Markus | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
593 | Puxeddu | Michele | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
594 | Rigo Barceló | Miquel Angel | M45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
595 | Rossi | Juris | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
596 | Schön | Daniel | M45-49 | SWE (Sweden) |
597 | Seifried | Jürgen | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
598 | Sierpina | Joe | M45-49 | CAN (Canada) |
599 | Simon | Philippe | M45-49 | FRA (France) |
600 | Smith | Karl | M45-49 | USA (United States of America) |
601 | Szefer | Piotr | M45-49 | POL (Poland) |
602 | Tajak | Tomasz | M45-49 | POL (Poland) |
603 | Taucher | Norbert | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
604 | Vecchia | Luca | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
605 | Wilkner | Michael | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
606 | Ammann | Jochen | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
607 | Arauzo Palacios | Esteban | M50-54 | ESP (Spain) |
608 | Berg | Javin | M50-54 | USA (United States of America) |
609 | Brunar | Helmut | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
610 | Caprino | Pasquale | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
611 | Chawaldit | Kitpong | M50-54 | THA (Thailand) |
612 | Ciarleglio | Stefano | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
613 | D’Hooge | Marc | M50-54 | LUX (Luxembourg) |
614 | Davila | Rafael | M50-54 | MEX (Mexico) |
615 | Duval-Kieffer | Christophe | M50-54 | FRA (France) |
616 | Ebenberger | Egon | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
617 | Engemann | Ralf | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
618 | Fischer | Siegi | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
619 | Gastaldo | Roberto | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
620 | Glover | Chris | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
621 | Gromer | Rolf Alexander | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
622 | Hansen | Kim | M50-54 | DNK (Denmark) |
623 | Hiemetzberger | Johann | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
624 | Koch | Jürgen | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
625 | Konzert | Karl | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
626 | Lakitsch | Ronald | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
627 | Lovati | Giacomo | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
628 | Mackenzie | David | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
629 | Man | Karel | M50-54 | BEL (Belgium) |
630 | Mazzotti | Andrea | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
631 | Meyer-Zeuthen | Jan | M50-54 | DNK (Denmark) |
632 | Pasten | Eduardo | M50-54 | CHL (Chile) |
633 | Peters | Thomas | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
634 | Pirondini | Andrea | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
635 | Plas | Eugen | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
636 | Razdevsek | Ivo | M50-54 | SVN (Slovenia) |
637 | Ripoll | Jean-Blaise | M50-54 | FRA (France) |
638 | Rosa | Norbert | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
639 | Söderhjelm | Patrik | M50-54 | SWE (Sweden) |
640 | Stöfan | Gernot | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
641 | Theodorou | Spyros | M50-54 | GRC (Greece) |
642 | Wisselinck | Christian | M50-54 | SWE (Sweden) |
643 | Brookhouse | Graham | M55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
644 | Brugger | Andreas | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
645 | Buchinger | Thomas | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
646 | Burger | Kurt | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
647 | De Benedetti | Manuel | M55-59 | ITA (Italy) |
648 | Hoffmann | Manfred | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
649 | Marion | Giovanni | M55-59 | ITA (Italy) |
650 | Martorelli | Roberto | M55-59 | ITA (Italy) |
651 | Norskov-Erichsen | Nils | M55-59 | DNK (Denmark) |
652 | Spiller | Corsin | M55-59 | CHE (Switzerland) |
653 | Stannard | Paul | M55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
654 | Stroud | Daryl | M55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
655 | Hermann | Walter | M60-64 | AUT (Austria) |
656 | Pontius | Oliver | M60-64 | DEU (Germany) |
657 | Tamagno | Denis | M60-64 | FRA (France) |
658 | Vennevault | Alex | M60-64 | FRA (France) |
659 | Vollmer | Heinz | M60-64 | DEU (Germany) |
660 | Zager | Dirk | M60-64 | DEU (Germany) |
661 | Keymolen | Michael | M65-69 | BEL (Belgium) |
662 | Pilch | Heinrich | M65-69 | AUT (Austria) |
663 | Merlin | Leon Gerard | M70-74 | FRA (France) |
664 | Amatucci | Ezio | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
670 | Hladchenko | Oleh | M25-29 | UKR (Ukraine) |
671 | Iegorov | Sergii | M30-34 | UKR (Ukraine) |
672 | Konduforov | Oleksandr | M30-34 | UKR (Ukraine) |
673 | Skryplov | Oleksii | M30-34 | UKR (Ukraine) |
674 | Garmash | Dmytro | M35-39 | UKR (Ukraine) |
675 | Gotovskyy | Dmytro | M35-39 | UKR (Ukraine) |
676 | Halahan | Valeriy | M40-44 | UKR (Ukraine) |
677 | Borysenko | Yevgen | M45-49 | UKR (Ukraine) |
678 | Pysmenniy | Taras | M50-54 | UKR (Ukraine) |
679 | Glushko | Yevgeniy | M35-39 | UKR (Ukraine) |
680 | Shaked | Nira | F45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
681 | Shahaf | Orna | F50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
682 | Shifman | Avital | F50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
683 | Caspi | Einat | F55-59 | ISR (Israel) |
684 | Michaeli | Yoantan | M30-34 | ISR (Israel) |
685 | Deri | Raz | M35-39 | ISR (Israel) |
686 | Peri | Idan | M35-39 | ISR (Israel) |
687 | Neuman | Guy | M40-44 | ISR (Israel) |
688 | Attal | Ilan | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
689 | Levi | Hezi | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
690 | Shahaf | Maxim | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
691 | Shifman | Shai | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
692 | Zodik | Lucian Gabriel | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
693 | Shlomovitz | Amri | M60-64 | ISR (Israel) |
694 | Brewka | Wanda | F35-39 | POL (Poland) |
695 | Plawiak | Anna | F35-39 | POL (Poland) |
696 | Chernobrivenko | Sergey | M30-34 | RUS (Russian Federation) |
697 | Białek | Tomasz | M35-39 | POL (Poland) |
698 | Kulbicki | Piotr | M35-39 | POL (Poland) |
699 | Rodríguez Estévez | Jesús | M35-39 | ESP (Spain) |
700 | Wojtylo | Michal | M35-39 | POL (Poland) |
701 | Zapalowski | Pawel | M35-39 | POL (Poland) |
702 | Kiel‚Basa | Pawel | M40-44 | POL (Poland) |
703 | Malinowski | Bartosz | M40-44 | POL (Poland) |
704 | Naskrętski | Andrzej | M40-44 | POL (Poland) |
705 | Janiszewski | Arkadiusz | M45-49 | POL (Poland) |
710 | Berger | Eva | F18-24 | AUT (Austria) |
711 | Cornish | Laura | F18-24 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
712 | Detraz | Thelma | F18-24 | CHE (Switzerland) |
713 | Schurz | Leandra | F18-24 | AUT (Austria) |
714 | Schwarzl | Anna | F18-24 | AUT (Austria) |
715 | Bader | Daniela | F25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
716 | Brooks | Dawn | F25-29 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
717 | Canut | Laia | F25-29 | ESP (Spain) |
718 | Carli | Melodie | F25-29 | USA (United States of America) |
719 | Daberer | Brigitte | F25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
720 | Eggenreich | Gudrun | F25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
721 | Estival Garcia | Monica | F25-29 | ESP (Spain) |
722 | Hill | Kimberley | F25-29 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
723 | Hribernik | Nicole | F25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
724 | Imre | Alexandra | F25-29 | HUN (Hungary) |
725 | Kallina | Jacqueline | F25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
726 | Kaltenreiner | Martina | F25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
727 | Knoll | Isabella | F25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
728 | Königshofer | Lisa-Maria | F25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
729 | Mayer | Melanie | F25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
730 | Papst | Carina | F25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
731 | Petritsch | Silvia | F25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
732 | Poleg Falk | Shani | F25-29 | ISR (Israel) |
733 | Ranger | Marina | F25-29 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
734 | Sutherland | Natasha | F25-29 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
735 | York | Emily | F25-29 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
736 | Zhang | Ran | F25-29 | CHN (China) |
737 | Aigner | Miriam | F30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
738 | Allen | Charlotte | F30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
739 | Aude | Canaguier | F30-34 | FRA (France) |
740 | Bayliss | Lucinda | F30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
741 | Bertelle | Annalisa | F30-34 | ITA (Italy) |
742 | Brandl | Sophie | F30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
743 | Burke | Josephine | F30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
744 | Charlotte | Fisher | F30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
745 | Fiebig | Anja | F30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
746 | Fontana | Enrica | F30-34 | ITA (Italy) |
747 | Grün | Caroline | F30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
748 | Hausmann | Bettina | F30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
749 | Hedebouw | Haike | F30-34 | BEL (Belgium) |
750 | Hoffmann | Nicole | F30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
751 | Illidge | Sarah | F30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
752 | Joelly | Ines | F30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
753 | Jurek | Andrea | F30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
754 | Kammerhofer | Sabine | F30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
755 | Kaspareth | Kathrin | F30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
756 | Kelly | Alison Elizabeth | F30-34 | IRL (Ireland) |
757 | Kharra | Monika Singh | F30-34 | IND (India) |
758 | Kimmel | Sara | F30-34 | USA (United States of America) |
759 | Kraus | Jennifer | F30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
760 | Loeffen | Manon | F30-34 | NLD (Netherlands) |
761 | Luchini | Antonia | F30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
762 | Manfredi | Cyrielle | F30-34 | FRA (France) |
763 | Maritz | Yolandi | F30-34 | ZAF (South Africa) |
764 | Maskell | Nicki | F30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
765 | Merrylees | Soraya | F30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
766 | Mersh | Rebecca | F30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
767 | Millett | Jenny | F30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
768 | Neier | Lisa-Marie | F30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
769 | Paglia | Jennifer | F30-34 | ITA (Italy) |
770 | Pershina | Elena | F30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
771 | Prükler | Veronika | F30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
772 | Rebolleda Jane | Laura | F30-34 | ESP (Spain) |
773 | Schmidt | Nadine | F30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
774 | Schnölzer | Sabine | F30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
775 | Schunke | Nicola | F30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
776 | Seewald | Katarina | F30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
777 | Semwal | Megha | F30-34 | IND (India) |
778 | Smith | Fiona | F30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
779 | Steinwender | Sandra | F30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
780 | Talmacsi | Andrea | F30-34 | HUN (Hungary) |
781 | Westwood | Naomi | F30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
782 | White | Elly | F30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
783 | Willegger | Christiana | F30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
784 | Yam | Ruth | F30-34 | ISR (Israel) |
785 | Zankl | Stefanie | F30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
786 | Abousy | Mais | F35-39 | IRQ (Iraq) |
787 | Adam | Eve | F35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
788 | Al Uzaizi | Helen | F35-39 | JOR (Jordan) |
789 | Altshul | Zahava | F35-39 | ISR (Israel) |
790 | Banus Pedreny | Delia | F35-39 | ESP (Spain) |
791 | Bartolo | Emma | F35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
792 | Berger | Patrizia | F35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
793 | Bingham | Victoria | F35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
794 | Blair | Lyndsey | F35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
795 | Bøhmer | Christian | F35-39 | NOR (Norway) |
796 | Bohn | Annegret | F35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
797 | Brooks | Cara | F35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
798 | Butler | Lorraine | F35-39 | IRL (Ireland) |
799 | Canty | Juliann | F35-39 | IRL (Ireland) |
800 | Cui | Xue | F35-39 | CHN (China) |
801 | Dineen | Maura | F35-39 | IRL (Ireland) |
802 | Edwards | Katie | F35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
803 | Ermenkova | Svetla | F35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
804 | Eugl-Wabnig | Jutta | F35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
805 | Froeschl | Conny | F35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
806 | Geosits | Indira | F35-39 | HUN (Hungary) |
807 | Gerngroß | Barbara | F35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
808 | Gerosa | Cendrine | F35-39 | CHE (Switzerland) |
809 | Glantschnig | Sonja | F35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
810 | Graf | Melanie | F35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
811 | Gschwandtner | Melanie | F35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
812 | Gurton | Gail | F35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
813 | Haslinger | Katharina | F35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
814 | Heule | Claudia | F35-39 | CHE (Switzerland) |
815 | Höbarth | Irene | F35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
816 | Holt | Emma | F35-39 | ZAF (South Africa) |
817 | Hornaus | Daniela | F35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
818 | Kaderova | Martina | F35-39 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
819 | Korff | Gemma | F35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
820 | Kronberger | Daniela | F35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
821 | Ladstätter | Morris | F35-39 | EGY (Egypt) |
822 | Lang-Weissmann | Maria | F35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
823 | Lenz | Cornelia | F35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
824 | LeƑniak | Karolina | F35-39 | POL (Poland) |
825 | Lombardini | Katharina | F35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
826 | López Hidalgo | Inmaculada | F35-39 | ESP (Spain) |
827 | Majer | Mirjam | F35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
828 | Maqueda Marcos | Laura | F35-39 | ESP (Spain) |
829 | Martinovicova | Marcela | F35-39 | SVK (Slovakia) |
830 | Masnahumina | Ade Diantini | F35-39 | IDN (Indonesia) |
831 | Melamed | Adi | F35-39 | ISR (Israel) |
832 | Molin | Sara | F35-39 | SWE (Sweden) |
833 | Moscardo | Francesca | F35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
834 | Nonis Falconi | Giulia | F35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
835 | Paterson | Catherine | F35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
836 | Peßl | Nicole | F35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
837 | Phillips | Sally | F35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
838 | Pirngruber | Nicole | F35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
839 | Reese | Sarah | F35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
840 | Rosenkranz | Mirjam | F35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
841 | Sankjohanser | Stepahnie | F35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
842 | Schick | Jessica | F35-39 | USA (United States of America) |
843 | Schillings | Stefanie | F35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
844 | Schnedl | Patricia | F35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
845 | Schober | Tamara | F35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
846 | Schöllmann | Anna | F35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
847 | Schröder | Karin | F35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
848 | Severinova | Ivana | F35-39 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
849 | Shadbolt | Gemma | F35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
850 | Smith | Amy | F35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
851 | Somoskoi | Barbara | F35-39 | HUN (Hungary) |
852 | Sygula | Joanna | F35-39 | POL (Poland) |
853 | Tavernini | Marialuisa | F35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
854 | Vezzani | Gemma | F35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
855 | Wagner | Katya | F35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
856 | Wieser | Michaela | F35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
857 | Wilby-Lopez | Anna | F35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
858 | Wolfschluckner | Babara | F35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
859 | Zerini | Elisabetta | F35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
860 | Zwatz | Sylvia | F35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
861 | Amuruso | Cinzia | F40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
862 | Anžur | Polona | F40-44 | SVN (Slovenia) |
863 | Campanini | Viola Francesca | F40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
864 | Carter Rosenne | Lital | F40-44 | ISR (Israel) |
865 | Cherkab | Lamyaa | F40-44 | MAR (Morocco) |
866 | Clarkson | Nicole | F40-44 | CAN (Canada) |
867 | Cohen | Nikol | F40-44 | ISR (Israel) |
868 | Cook | Helen | F40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
869 | Dadia | Reut | F40-44 | ISR (Israel) |
870 | Del Pozo Nievas | Patricia | F40-44 | ESP (Spain) |
871 | Densa | Natalija | F40-44 | SVN (Slovenia) |
872 | Detter-Biesl | Doris | F40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
873 | Doran | Roisin | F40-44 | IRL (Ireland) |
874 | Dworzak | Dani | F40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
875 | Ehlers | Sandra | F40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
876 | Fatt | Hannah | F40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
877 | Flynn | Aileen | F40-44 | IRL (Ireland) |
878 | Gardiner | Kelly | F40-44 | CAN (Canada) |
879 | Gassinger | Sabine | F40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
880 | Gaugeler | Chantelle | F40-44 | ZAF (South Africa) |
881 | Gruber | Nicole | F40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
882 | Haemmerling | Susanne | F40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
883 | Hagerer | Kerstin | F40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
884 | Hamer | Aimie | F40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
885 | Helwig | Christine | F40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
886 | Ilovuori | Kaisa | F40-44 | FIN (Finland) |
887 | Jaenicke | Julia | F40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
888 | Jaskuła | Katarzyna | F40-44 | POL (Poland) |
889 | Joel | Victoria | F40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
890 | Junker | Melanie | F40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
891 | Kennedy | Kirsty | F40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
892 | König | Angelika | F40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
893 | Krumsieg | Dörthe | F40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
894 | Maier-Klemm | Isabel | F40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
895 | Mccamey | Ann | F40-44 | USA (United States of America) |
896 | Moffat | Jennifer | F40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
897 | Mühlberger | Sabine | F40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
898 | Osman | Heba | F40-44 | EGY (Egypt) |
899 | Ostaszewska | Marta | F40-44 | POL (Poland) |
900 | Pedder | Amy | F40-44 | ZAF (South Africa) |
901 | Pfeiffer | Margot | F40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
902 | Pineda | Vanessa | F40-44 | USA (United States of America) |
903 | Price | Andrea | F40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
904 | Pushkar | Diana | F40-44 | RUS (Russian Federation) |
905 | Rameder | Karin | F40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
906 | Ritter | Petra | F40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
907 | Robinson | Karen | F40-44 | IRL (Ireland) |
908 | Schlüter | Stephanie | F40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
909 | Schröttner | Birgit | F40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
910 | Schulmeister | Verena | F40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
911 | Selen | Zerrin | F40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
912 | Settimo | Francesca | F40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
913 | Sharir | Adar | F40-44 | ISR (Israel) |
914 | Shraga | Sharon | F40-44 | ISR (Israel) |
915 | Smith | Mhairi | F40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
916 | Starrs | Geraldine | F40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
917 | Steidl | Karin | F40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
918 | Thiel | Sylvia | F40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
919 | Tschenet | Cornelia | F40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
920 | Vasutiu | Florina | F40-44 | ROU (Romania) |
921 | Wybouw | Katrien | F40-44 | BEL (Belgium) |
922 | Amills | Ester | F45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
923 | Avender | Karin | F45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
924 | Ayznberg | Meirav | F45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
925 | Bedley | Carol | F45-49 | CAN (Canada) |
926 | Bertoldi | Cinzia | F45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
927 | Bodek | Maytal | F45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
928 | Boeheim | Marion | F45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
929 | Bowers | Mary | F45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
931 | Carter | Sara | F45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
932 | Castellani | Angela Emily | F45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
933 | Collell Verdaguer | Imma | F45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
934 | Colombo | Cristina | F45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
935 | Cross | Dairine | F45-49 | IRL (Ireland) |
936 | Debiec | Teodora | F45-49 | HUN (Hungary) |
937 | Di Bert | Ljudmila | F45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
938 | Dittrich | Ute | F45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
939 | Ehardt | Petra | F45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
940 | Eliyahu | Keren | F45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
941 | Flaxton | Michelle | F45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
942 | Fratelis | Razi | F45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
943 | Frisoli | Simona | F45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
944 | Gaver | Inbar | F45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
945 | Gendreizig | Jennifer | F45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
946 | Gorenc | Petra | F45-49 | SVN (Slovenia) |
947 | Hahn | Alexandra | F45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
948 | Halfon | Smadar | F45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
949 | Hauser | Nadja | F45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
950 | Hensiek | Beate | F45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
951 | Horgan | Lisa | F45-49 | IRL (Ireland) |
952 | Hulshoff-Roche | Carla | F45-49 | USA (United States of America) |
953 | Katholnig Url | Melanie | F45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
954 | Kindl | Doris | F45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
955 | Koppitsch | Bettina | F45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
956 | Krajasich | Larissa | F45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
957 | Kuehl | Christina | F45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
958 | Lachman | Sivan | F45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
959 | Lackner | Anita | F45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
960 | Love | Jo | F45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
961 | Lowry | Lorena | F45-49 | CHL (Chile) |
962 | Mahdalova | Alena | F45-49 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
963 | Mathews | Helen | F45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
964 | Maynard | Kay | F45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
965 | Mazgan | Helga | F45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
966 | Moreno | Michal | F45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
967 | Nenden | Nenden | F45-49 | IDN (Indonesia) |
968 | Nicoletti | Fabiana | F45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
969 | Omta | Tjarda | F45-49 | NLD (Netherlands) |
970 | Orovits-Kubu | Sonja | F45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
971 | Pfluger | Margit | F45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
972 | Rabitsch | Michi | F45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
973 | Richardson | Alison | F45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
974 | Rivera Orellana | Verónica | F45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
975 | Sadkova | Terezie | F45-49 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
976 | Schmidt | Martina | F45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
977 | Schwarz | Sonja | F45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
978 | Sguazza | Raffaella | F45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
979 | Shah | Hemal | F45-49 | USA (United States of America) |
980 | Skweyiya | Thuto | F45-49 | BWA (Botswana) |
981 | Spangl-Rausch | Beate | F45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
982 | Steed | Ali | F45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
983 | Stepan | Sonja | F45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
984 | Tögel | Natascha | F45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
985 | Verdonck | Joyce | F45-49 | BEL (Belgium) |
986 | Volk | Maja | F45-49 | SVN (Slovenia) |
987 | Walsh | Sinead | F45-49 | IRL (Ireland) |
988 | Weilguny | Astrid | F45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
989 | West | Rachael | F45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
990 | Wisselinck | Karin | F45-49 | SWE (Sweden) |
991 | Woolston | Rachael | F45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
992 | Bevan | Catherine | F50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
993 | Bigi | Silvia | F50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
994 | Biton | Ester | F50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
995 | Bonilla Millan | Mar | F50-54 | ESP (Spain) |
996 | Bram | Gila | F50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
997 | Brunner | Helene | F50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
998 | Chadwick | Ruth | F50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
999 | Cusack | Oorla | F50-54 | IRL (Ireland) |
1000 | Damato | Simona | F50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
1001 | Dordick | Lisa | F50-54 | USA (United States of America) |
1002 | Fitzgerald | Giovanna | F50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1003 | Freiberger | Helga | F50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
1004 | Galkova | Katarina | F50-54 | SVK (Slovakia) |
1005 | Gattringer | Eva | F50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
1006 | Georgsdóttir | Brynhildur | F50-54 | ISL (Iceland) |
1007 | Glassner | Judith | F50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
1008 | Goulay | Isabelle | F50-54 | FRA (France) |
1009 | King | Liz | F50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1010 | Krigman | Batami | F50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
1011 | Kropp | Jasmin | F50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
1012 | Lahner | Claudia | F50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
1013 | Landesman | Hadar | F50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
1014 | Lemark | Pia | F50-54 | SVN (Slovenia) |
1015 | Macgregor | Caroline | F50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1016 | Macgregor | Susie | F50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1017 | Manson | Heather | F50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1018 | Marzadori | Alessandra | F50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
1019 | Rajczyba | Małgorzata | F50-54 | POL (Poland) |
1020 | Rockenschaub | Karin | F50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
1021 | Rolland | Kerstin | F50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
1022 | Rowe | Audrey | F50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1023 | Samuiloff | Brigitte | F50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
1024 | Sharon | Irit | F50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
1025 | Sijpestijn | Brigitte | F50-54 | NLD (Netherlands) |
1026 | Sini | Patrizia | F50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
1027 | Sumner | Suzanne | F50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1028 | Sutcliffe | Clodie | F50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1029 | Tietz | Andrea | F50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
1030 | Tosi | Franca | F50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
1031 | Tvarocska | Petra | F50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
1032 | Visca | Michelle | F50-54 | CAN (Canada) |
1033 | Weissinger-Lusenberger | Anita | F50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
1034 | Yavin | Miriam | F50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
1035 | Zacchia | Federica | F50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
1036 | Zagoury | Bat Sheva | F50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
1037 | Zehetleitner | Gerda | F50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
1038 | Zehner | Rosa | F50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
1039 | Ziv | Anat | F50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
1040 | Alm | Annica | F55-59 | SWE (Sweden) |
1041 | Arabov | Orit | F55-59 | ISR (Israel) |
1043 | Coren | Lee Anne | F55-59 | CAN (Canada) |
1044 | Daberer | Rosamunde | F55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
1045 | Ehrlich | Silvia | F55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
1046 | Fretz | Wendy | F55-59 | CAN (Canada) |
1047 | Goldthorpe | Tegwynne | F55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1048 | Greipel | Sabine | F55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
1049 | Hoffmann | Sabine | F55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
1050 | Kuhn-Ellenrieder | Monika | F55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
1051 | Laitinen | Elina | F55-59 | FIN (Finland) |
1052 | Laks | Miriam | F55-59 | ISR (Israel) |
1053 | Leimpek | Elke | F55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
1054 | Malka | Bernice Rachel | F55-59 | ISR (Israel) |
1055 | Mathes | Angelika | F55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
1056 | Mawhinney | Sarah | F55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1057 | Mezaki | Barbara | F55-59 | USA (United States of America) |
1058 | Most | Yvonne | F55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
1059 | Plaut | Monica L | F55-59 | USA (United States of America) |
1060 | Scheiwe | Monika | F55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
1061 | Semmler | Heidi | F55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
1062 | Simpson | Deidre | F55-59 | ZAF (South Africa) |
1063 | Stafford | Dixie | F55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1064 | Traub | Cornelia | F55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
1065 | Wagenhofer | Andrea | F55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
1066 | Ziegler | Conny | F55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
1067 | Daymond | Diane | F60-64 | CAN (Canada) |
1068 | Dyer | Judith | F60-64 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1069 | Llibre | Sara | F60-64 | USA (United States of America) |
1070 | Peterson | Kate | F60-64 | CAN (Canada) |
1072 | Williams | Sue | F60-64 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1073 | Mengel | Ann-Charlotte | F65-69 | SWE (Sweden) |
1074 | Weitensfelder | Lorli | F65-69 | AUT (Austria) |
1075 | Bärnthaler | Christoph | M18-24 | AUT (Austria) |
1076 | Bela Kocar | Luka | M18-24 | SVN (Slovenia) |
1077 | Bermann | Philipp | M18-24 | AUT (Austria) |
1078 | Chavan | Yash | M18-24 | IND (India) |
1079 | Gore | Henry | M18-24 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1080 | Gutschi | Markus | M18-24 | AUT (Austria) |
1081 | Hattam | Matt | M18-24 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1082 | Kampel | Pascal | M18-24 | AUT (Austria) |
1083 | Kern | David | M18-24 | SVN (Slovenia) |
1084 | Klonner | Matthias | M18-24 | AUT (Austria) |
1085 | Neuhold | Daniel | M18-24 | AUT (Austria) |
1086 | Parker | Ben | M18-24 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1087 | Schell | Nikolaus | M18-24 | AUT (Austria) |
1088 | Sponner | Julian | M18-24 | AUT (Austria) |
1089 | Stannard | Alexander | M18-24 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1090 | Treml | Philip | M18-24 | AUT (Austria) |
1091 | Weißmann | Florian | M18-24 | AUT (Austria) |
1092 | Wölik | Tobias | M18-24 | AUT (Austria) |
1093 | Admoni | Hillel | M25-29 | ISR (Israel) |
1094 | Baumann | Christoph | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1095 | Beckett | Alun | M25-29 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1096 | Behrens | Martin | M25-29 | DEU (Germany) |
1097 | Belgaonkar Sutar | Vaibhav | M25-29 | IND (India) |
1098 | Berchtold | Johannes | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1099 | Berthoud | Antoine | M25-29 | FRA (France) |
1100 | Bisesto | Joseph | M25-29 | USA (United States of America) |
1101 | Bortenhauser | Sebastian | M25-29 | DEU (Germany) |
1102 | Brunner | Patrick | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1103 | Buchinger | Sebastian | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1104 | Carli | Matteo | M25-29 | ITA (Italy) |
1105 | Christiano | Vincent | M25-29 | USA (United States of America) |
1106 | Coutts | Harly Joe | M25-29 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1107 | Cox | Pete | M25-29 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1108 | De Brabandere | Felix | M25-29 | BEL (Belgium) |
1109 | Dohr | Martin | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1110 | Dossi | Philipp | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1111 | Dror | Amit | M25-29 | ISR (Israel) |
1112 | Enzenberger | Georg | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1113 | Eshkar | Or | M25-29 | ISR (Israel) |
1114 | Everaert | Jordy | M25-29 | BEL (Belgium) |
1115 | Foster | Bradley | M25-29 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1116 | Gehring | Josué | M25-29 | CHE (Switzerland) |
1117 | Ghatge | Virendra | M25-29 | IND (India) |
1118 | Giannecchini | Francesco | M25-29 | ITA (Italy) |
1119 | Główka | Paweł | M25-29 | POL (Poland) |
1120 | Gobbi | Luca | M25-29 | ITA (Italy) |
1121 | Goodman | Jordan | M25-29 | CAN (Canada) |
1122 | Granath | Wes | M25-29 | USA (United States of America) |
1123 | Gregoritsch | Martin | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1124 | Grobauer | Kevin | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1125 | Hainzl | Adrian | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1126 | Hasenfuß | Markus | M25-29 | DEU (Germany) |
1127 | Haspl | Thomas | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1128 | Hastir | Renaud | M25-29 | BEL (Belgium) |
1129 | Horndasch | Laslo | M25-29 | DEU (Germany) |
1130 | Humnig | Patrick | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1131 | Igumnov | Raphael | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1132 | Jønsson | Christoffer | M25-29 | NOR (Norway) |
1133 | Kaiser | Lukas | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1134 | Kalkusch | Michael | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1135 | Kastrun | Daniel | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1136 | Kläy | Didier | M25-29 | CHE (Switzerland) |
1137 | Kleinloog | Tim | M25-29 | NLD (Netherlands) |
1138 | Kraatz | Matthias | M25-29 | DEU (Germany) |
1139 | Kruchkow | Brian | M25-29 | USA (United States of America) |
1140 | Lammer | Stefan | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1141 | Lammer | Michael | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1142 | Laureys | Matthias | M25-29 | BEL (Belgium) |
1143 | Ledger | Elliot | M25-29 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1144 | Leitner | Benjamin | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1145 | Lemmerer | Patrick | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1146 | Levy | Avshalom | M25-29 | ISR (Israel) |
1147 | Lindorfer | Thomas | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1148 | Liverovskii | Roman | M25-29 | RUS (Russian Federation) |
1149 | Madera Falcón | Jorge | M25-29 | ESP (Spain) |
1150 | Mayr | David | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1151 | Miele | Giuseppe | M25-29 | ITA (Italy) |
1152 | Moises | Christian | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1153 | Morais | Michael | M25-29 | USA (United States of America) |
1154 | Moser | Martin | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1155 | Muñoz Pulido | Jordi | M25-29 | ESP (Spain) |
1156 | Murdoch | John | M25-29 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1157 | Németh | Viktor | M25-29 | HUN (Hungary) |
1158 | Oblak | Tobias | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1159 | O’Nien | Jay | M25-29 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1160 | Osicka | Ondrej | M25-29 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
1161 | Pabst | Thomas | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1162 | Pačandi | Dino | M25-29 | HRV (Croatia) |
1163 | Paul | Marcel | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1164 | Pfannenstill | Elias | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1165 | Pilhatsch | Daniel | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1166 | Polec | Daniel | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1167 | Powell | Shaun | M25-29 | ZAF (South Africa) |
1168 | Puchinger | Christian | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1169 | Rathgeber | Dominik | M25-29 | DEU (Germany) |
1170 | Rauter | Simon | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1171 | Real Bordoy | Antonio | M25-29 | ESP (Spain) |
1172 | Rossbach | Cornelius | M25-29 | DEU (Germany) |
1173 | Schatz | Sören | M25-29 | DEU (Germany) |
1174 | Schell | Max | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1175 | Schenk | Mathias | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1176 | Schenk | Markus | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1177 | Schmid | Julian | M25-29 | DEU (Germany) |
1178 | Schubert | Peter | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1179 | Schwab | Christopher | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1180 | Schwarzbach | Benjamin | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1181 | Shechter | Yoav | M25-29 | ISR (Israel) |
1182 | Sørensen | Lasse Strandet | M25-29 | DNK (Denmark) |
1183 | Stanton | Francis John | M25-29 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1184 | Stöger | Daniel | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1185 | Strauss | Thomas | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1186 | Theocharous | Marios | M25-29 | CYP (Cyprus) |
1187 | Tschoepke | Lukas | M25-29 | DEU (Germany) |
1188 | Tureczek | Marcel | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1189 | Url | David | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1190 | Van Bavel | Charles | M25-29 | BEL (Belgium) |
1191 | Vanwijnsberghe | Anton | M25-29 | BEL (Belgium) |
1192 | Vollack | Felix | M25-29 | DEU (Germany) |
1193 | Vrouenraets | Maarten | M25-29 | NLD (Netherlands) |
1194 | Wallerer | Jiri | M25-29 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
1195 | Welk | Florian | M25-29 | DEU (Germany) |
1196 | Whelan | Johnny | M25-29 | IRL (Ireland) |
1197 | Zema | Marco | M25-29 | AUT (Austria) |
1198 | Zuccato | Massimo | M25-29 | ITA (Italy) |
1199 | Aigner | Michael | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1200 | Alon | Yair | M30-34 | ISR (Israel) |
1201 | Amos | Thomas | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1202 | Angerer | Thomas | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1203 | Armstrong | Mark | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1204 | Aumayr | Gert | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1205 | Baamonde Carballido | Jonathan | M30-34 | ESP (Spain) |
1206 | Babicz | Pawel | M30-34 | POL (Poland) |
1207 | Baker | John | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1208 | Barnett | Robin | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1209 | Bartlett | Richard | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1210 | Beni | Niccolò | M30-34 | ITA (Italy) |
1211 | Bican | Tomas | M30-34 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
1212 | Biller | Hans | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1213 | Birjukovs | Andrejs | M30-34 | LVA (Latvia) |
1214 | Bissenbacker | Martin | M30-34 | DNK (Denmark) |
1215 | Blommendaal | Dennis | M30-34 | NLD (Netherlands) |
1216 | Bonnivert | Arnaud | M30-34 | BEL (Belgium) |
1217 | Boury | Stijn | M30-34 | BEL (Belgium) |
1218 | Breitkreuz | Maximilian | M30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
1219 | Brun | Jean Andre | M30-34 | FRA (France) |
1220 | Brunecker | Frank | M30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
1221 | Buchberger | Mario | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1222 | Budde | Bart | M30-34 | NLD (Netherlands) |
1223 | Calm Toronell | Albert | M30-34 | ESP (Spain) |
1224 | Capitani | Filippo | M30-34 | ITA (Italy) |
1225 | Cardona Recio | Javier | M30-34 | ESP (Spain) |
1226 | Carmona | Fabian | M30-34 | ESP (Spain) |
1227 | Carsnti | Yoav | M30-34 | ISR (Israel) |
1228 | Carturan | Simone | M30-34 | ITA (Italy) |
1229 | Caunt | Simon | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1230 | Chernikov | Andrey | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1231 | Cohen | Nir | M30-34 | ISR (Israel) |
1232 | Conradi | Marc | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1233 | Corlay | Laurent | M30-34 | FRA (France) |
1234 | Costagliola Di Polidoro | Riccardo | M30-34 | ITA (Italy) |
1235 | Criscuolo | Quentin | M30-34 | FRA (France) |
1236 | Danzmayr | Matthias | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1237 | David | Jérémy | M30-34 | FRA (France) |
1238 | De Backer | Jeroen | M30-34 | BEL (Belgium) |
1239 | De Quintana Tuebols | Eduardo | M30-34 | ESP (Spain) |
1240 | Delville | Jeremy | M30-34 | FRA (France) |
1241 | Dobrev | Dobri | M30-34 | BGR (Bulgaria) |
1242 | Dolenc | Dario | M30-34 | SVN (Slovenia) |
1243 | Dufek | Milan | M30-34 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
1244 | Dzurus | Michal | M30-34 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
1245 | Eberle | Elias | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1246 | Edri | Niv | M30-34 | ISR (Israel) |
1247 | Edwards | Alex | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1248 | Elsäßer | Nico | M30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
1249 | Engler | Dominic | M30-34 | CHE (Switzerland) |
1250 | Ernst | Harald | M30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
1251 | Eyles | Thomas | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1252 | Fazlić | Haris | M30-34 | BIH (Bosnia and Herzegovina) |
1253 | Fegerl | Michael | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1254 | Felis | Lukáš | M30-34 | SVK (Slovakia) |
1255 | Ferra | Cristian | M30-34 | ESP (Spain) |
1256 | Figl | Andreas | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1257 | Forchelet | David | M30-34 | CHE (Switzerland) |
1258 | Foster-Orr | Christopher | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1259 | Franceschet | Giulio | M30-34 | ITA (Italy) |
1260 | Franzen | Gregor | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1261 | Fritz | Markus | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1262 | Funke | Felix | M30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
1263 | Gabriel | Bernhard | M30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
1264 | Gabriel | Felix | M30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
1265 | Garrido | Jose | M30-34 | ESP (Spain) |
1266 | Gell | Christian | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1267 | Goetsch | Benjamin | M30-34 | USA (United States of America) |
1268 | Goldmann | Gregor | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1269 | Graells Monte | Xavier | M30-34 | ESP (Spain) |
1270 | Grau Clapers | Marc | M30-34 | ESP (Spain) |
1271 | Green | Richard | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1272 | Grimm | Raphael | M30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
1273 | Grossi | Federico | M30-34 | ITA (Italy) |
1274 | Gruttad’Auria | Calogero Alessandro | M30-34 | ITA (Italy) |
1275 | Haas | Stefan | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1276 | Hagemann | Sven | M30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
1277 | Haining | Brett | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1278 | Halliday | Luke | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1279 | Hampel | Jochen | M30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
1280 | Hardy | Edward | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1281 | Hatzak | Fabian | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1282 | Hatzis | Philip | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1283 | Hatzl | Martin | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1284 | Hauer | Rene | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1285 | Haynes | Stephen | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1286 | Hilsenbek | Philipp | M30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
1287 | Hinterhofer | Martin | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1288 | Hirsch | Michael | M30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
1289 | Hofer | Werner | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1290 | Huszar | Thomas | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1291 | Ingvarsson | Ingvar Freyr | M30-34 | ISL (Iceland) |
1292 | Jerolimov | Filip | M30-34 | HRV (Croatia) |
1293 | Jeß | Pascal | M30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
1294 | Jewkes | Alex | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1295 | Jörg | Oliver | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1296 | Jorge Belmonte | Miguel | M30-34 | ESP (Spain) |
1297 | Kadam | Varun | M30-34 | IND (India) |
1298 | Kaniewski | Michal | M30-34 | POL (Poland) |
1299 | Kaplaner | Michael | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1300 | Kaplenig | Toma | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1301 | Kemp | James | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1302 | Kimmel | Wes | M30-34 | USA (United States of America) |
1303 | Kinnee | Donald | M30-34 | USA (United States of America) |
1304 | Klimashin | Fedor | M30-34 | RUS (Russian Federation) |
1305 | Klingelhöller | Christian | M30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
1306 | Knier | Max | M30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
1307 | Knoll | Gabriel | M30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
1308 | Kogler | Thomas | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1309 | Kohlhofer | Michael | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1310 | Körbler | Dietmar | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1311 | Korell | Tobias | M30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
1312 | Korfmacher | Patrick | M30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
1313 | Körner | Johann | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1314 | Kovarik | Vit | M30-34 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
1315 | Kralj | Ivan | M30-34 | ITA (Italy) |
1316 | Kreindl | Klemens | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1317 | Kreindl | Christoph | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1318 | Kristan | Michael | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1319 | Kujan | Christian | M30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
1320 | Kuska | Roland | M30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
1321 | L | Kaushik | M30-34 | IND (India) |
1322 | Lafon | Jean-Baptiste | M30-34 | FRA (France) |
1323 | Lainer | Michael | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1324 | Lang | Marco | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1325 | Langmann | Michael | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1326 | Lankinen | Sauli | M30-34 | FIN (Finland) |
1327 | Lanzer | Bernd | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1328 | Laschober | Manuel | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1329 | Latos | Marek | M30-34 | POL (Poland) |
1330 | Laudrup | Mads | M30-34 | DNK (Denmark) |
1331 | Launay | Greg | M30-34 | CHE (Switzerland) |
1332 | Laurentiu | Ilie | M30-34 | ROU (Romania) |
1333 | Lehner | Andreas | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1334 | Leitner | Thomas | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1335 | Lenz | Dominik | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1336 | Lettner | Hannes | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1337 | Lienhart | Wolfi | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1338 | Ligorio | Cosimo | M30-34 | ITA (Italy) |
1339 | Lugand | Olivier | M30-34 | FRA (France) |
1340 | Luternauer | Jan | M30-34 | CHE (Switzerland) |
1341 | Lutterschmidt | Stefan | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1342 | Lyubich | Mikhail | M30-34 | RUS (Russian Federation) |
1343 | Macdonald | Ross | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1344 | Mader | Georg | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1345 | Madile | Daniel | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1346 | Maes | Sven | M30-34 | BEL (Belgium) |
1347 | Maksym | Boyko | M30-34 | UKR (Ukraine) |
1348 | Mandler | Michael | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1349 | Marin Gil | Francisco De Borja | M30-34 | ESP (Spain) |
1350 | Marsh | Francis | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1351 | Mcgregor | Shane | M30-34 | NZL (New Zealand) |
1352 | Mcstay | David | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1353 | Meijer | Rick | M30-34 | NLD (Netherlands) |
1354 | Melendez-Pal | Olman | M30-34 | HUN (Hungary) |
1355 | Mendez | Hugo | M30-34 | ESP (Spain) |
1356 | Menini | Alessandro | M30-34 | ITA (Italy) |
1357 | Mini | Marco | M30-34 | ITA (Italy) |
1358 | Minster | Dr. Titou | M30-34 | FRA (France) |
1359 | Mis | Julian | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1361 | Morris | Mike | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1362 | Moscatelli | Andrea | M30-34 | ITA (Italy) |
1363 | Moser | Manfred | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1364 | Moser | Emanuel | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1365 | Motschnig | Simon | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1366 | Mykhailo | Blokhin | M30-34 | UKR (Ukraine) |
1367 | Nahornyi | Alex | M30-34 | UKR (Ukraine) |
1368 | Nellany | James | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1369 | Neumann | Dominik | M30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
1370 | Nevot Gil | Carlos | M30-34 | ESP (Spain) |
1371 | Nonnis | Nicola | M30-34 | ITA (Italy) |
1372 | Notley | Andy | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1373 | Novozhylov | Sergey | M30-34 | UKR (Ukraine) |
1374 | Orlandini | Marco | M30-34 | ITA (Italy) |
1375 | Parfyonov | Aleksey | M30-34 | UKR (Ukraine) |
1376 | Parravicini | Carlo | M30-34 | ITA (Italy) |
1377 | Pfeffer | Lukas | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1378 | Piazza | Filippo | M30-34 | ITA (Italy) |
1379 | Pichler | Alexander | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1380 | Pögner | Philipp | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1381 | Pokorny | Jiri | M30-34 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
1382 | Pöllabauer | Bernd | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1383 | Porat | Alon | M30-34 | ISR (Israel) |
1384 | Preißinger | Thomas | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1385 | Preißinger | Reinhard | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1386 | Priessner | Martin | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1387 | Pujol Vicens | Miquel | M30-34 | ESP (Spain) |
1388 | Ramírez Fandiño | Oscar David | M30-34 | COL (Colombia) |
1389 | Rasi | Andrea | M30-34 | ITA (Italy) |
1390 | Rauch | Philipp | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1391 | Rees-Jones | Gareth | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1392 | Reicht | David | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1393 | Rivgin | Javier | M30-34 | ISR (Israel) |
1394 | Roda | Filippo | M30-34 | ITA (Italy) |
1395 | Rodríguez Ortiz | Víctor | M30-34 | ESP (Spain) |
1396 | Rossetti | Mattia | M30-34 | ITA (Italy) |
1397 | Rossi | Davide | M30-34 | ITA (Italy) |
1398 | Rossington | Adam | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1399 | Ruhstorfer | Richard | M30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
1400 | Russegger | Udo | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1401 | Sabitzer | Emanuel | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1402 | Sanchez Gavilan | Manuel Jesus | M30-34 | ESP (Spain) |
1403 | Savery | Adrian | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1404 | Scherk | Andreas | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1405 | Schiller | Markus | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1406 | Schmid | Thomas | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1407 | Schmidlechner | Patrick | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1408 | Schneider | Daniel | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1409 | Schöringhumer | Michael | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1410 | Shalom | Tomer | M30-34 | ISR (Israel) |
1411 | Shaw | Matthew | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1412 | Siegl | Ralf | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1413 | Simons | Christopher | M30-34 | BEL (Belgium) |
1414 | Slavec | Roland | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1415 | Sleegers | Dennis | M30-34 | NLD (Netherlands) |
1416 | Slomczynski | Marcin | M30-34 | POL (Poland) |
1417 | Smith | Adam | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1418 | Soprano | Ciro | M30-34 | ITA (Italy) |
1419 | Soyuzov | Yaroslav | M30-34 | RUS (Russian Federation) |
1420 | Starzyk | Lukasz | M30-34 | POL (Poland) |
1421 | Steele | Daniel | M30-34 | NZL (New Zealand) |
1422 | Steller | Kurt | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1423 | Stephens | Timothy | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1424 | Stessl | Mark | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1425 | Stockhammer | Rene | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1426 | Stranz | Rene | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1427 | Strutz | Alexander | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1428 | Stubington | Jason | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1429 | Sulzenbacher | Thomas | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1430 | Šumelj | Bojan | M30-34 | HRV (Croatia) |
1431 | Szilagyi | Zsolt | M30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
1432 | Tarquini | Marco | M30-34 | ITA (Italy) |
1433 | Tarrant | Sean | M30-34 | IRL (Ireland) |
1434 | Tragl | Christof | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1435 | Überreich | Manuel | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1436 | Vercarre | Jürgen | M30-34 | BEL (Belgium) |
1437 | Verheyden | Sam | M30-34 | POL (Poland) |
1438 | Villarreal Mendez | Manuel De Jesús | M30-34 | MEX (Mexico) |
1439 | Vogel | Michael | M30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
1440 | Vogler | Georg | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1441 | Völkl | Arnold | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1442 | Wagner | Richard | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1443 | Wallner | Martin | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1444 | Wallner | Roland | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1445 | Wallner | Manuel | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1446 | Watkins | Jonathan | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1447 | Watney | Robert | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1448 | Weber | Tobias | M30-34 | DEU (Germany) |
1449 | Weiß | Thomas | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1450 | Wenegger | Patrick | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1451 | Wood | Phillip | M30-34 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1452 | Wrulich | Martin | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1453 | Wunder | Daniel | M30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
1454 | Žagar | Marko | M30-34 | HRV (Croatia) |
1455 | Alex | Pachschwöll | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1456 | Allen | Jay | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1457 | Allieri | Michele | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
1458 | Andersen | Thomas | M35-39 | DNK (Denmark) |
1459 | Angermeier | Matthias | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
1460 | Antosiak | Tomasz | M35-39 | POL (Poland) |
1461 | Aragon Castaño | David | M35-39 | ESP (Spain) |
1463 | Averbuch | Ronen | M35-39 | ISR (Israel) |
1464 | Avesani | Stefano | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
1465 | Baard | Wynand | M35-39 | ZAF (South Africa) |
1466 | Bailey | Tim | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1467 | Bamford | Oliver | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1468 | Banfield-Mumb | Alexander | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1469 | Barabin | Iliya | M35-39 | RUS (Russian Federation) |
1470 | Barnes | Jonathan | M35-39 | USA (United States of America) |
1471 | Barragán Fernández | José Carlos | M35-39 | ESP (Spain) |
1472 | Barrett | Gavin | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1473 | Bell | Florian | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1474 | Belladonna | Giorgio | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
1475 | Berg | Stephan | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
1476 | Berri | Philipp | M35-39 | CHE (Switzerland) |
1477 | Bezalel | Naor | M35-39 | ISR (Israel) |
1478 | Bielskii | Konstantin | M35-39 | UKR (Ukraine) |
1479 | Bohacek | Thomas | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1480 | Bojan | Jakub | M35-39 | POL (Poland) |
1481 | Borghi Cavazza | Enrico | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
1482 | Bossi | Simone | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
1483 | Brandl | Oliver | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1484 | Brandl | Michael | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1485 | Brandstätter | Hubert | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1486 | Brijwani | Kumar | M35-39 | IND (India) |
1487 | Bruyneel | Jurgen | M35-39 | BEL (Belgium) |
1488 | Buchebner | Florian | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
1489 | Bueso-Inchausti | Alvaro | M35-39 | ESP (Spain) |
1490 | Burkhardt | Nicolas | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
1491 | Canna | Michele | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
1492 | Carera | David | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
1493 | Chmeliček | Jakub | M35-39 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
1494 | Coimbrao | Northon | M35-39 | BRA (Brazil) |
1495 | Colgan | David | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
1496 | Collins | John | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1497 | Collins | James | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1498 | Compeyron | Yoann | M35-39 | FRA (France) |
1499 | Crespo Valero | Alejandro | M35-39 | ESP (Spain) |
1500 | Creviari | Luca | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
1501 | Daniel | Horst | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1502 | Dastl | Mario | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1503 | De Reu | Maarten | M35-39 | BEL (Belgium) |
1504 | Debruyne | Dieter | M35-39 | BEL (Belgium) |
1505 | Del Pozo Marmol | Jose Maria | M35-39 | ESP (Spain) |
1506 | Delbeke | Carl-Philippe | M35-39 | BEL (Belgium) |
1507 | Diebald | Bastian | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1508 | Dietrich | Georg Karl Engelbert | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
1509 | Dine | Matt | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1510 | Dorfer | Christian | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1511 | Dorgan | Sébastien | M35-39 | FRA (France) |
1512 | Duchkowitsch | Hannes | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1513 | Dunn | Chris | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1514 | Dunwoody | Keith | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1515 | Dvorak | Jindrich | M35-39 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
1516 | Eames | Jonathan | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1517 | Eccles | Sam | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1518 | Eder | Manfred | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1519 | Eder | Martin | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1520 | Eeckhaut | Sebastien | M35-39 | BEL (Belgium) |
1521 | Ehrenreich | Michael | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1522 | Ehud | Oz | M35-39 | ISR (Israel) |
1523 | Einwallner | Jürgen | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1524 | Eleftheriou | Tasos | M35-39 | CYP (Cyprus) |
1525 | Enea | Monaco | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
1526 | Erlinger | Paul | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1527 | Euaggelou | Vaggelis | M35-39 | CYP (Cyprus) |
1528 | Evans | Richard | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1529 | Faccioni | Roberto | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
1530 | Falle | Michael | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1531 | Fasching | Christian | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1532 | Fellner | Christoph | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1533 | Fernandez | Sergio Gamazo | M35-39 | ESP (Spain) |
1534 | Floyd | Chris | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1535 | Frigatti | Stefano | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
1536 | Frisone | Christian | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
1537 | Fritz | Thomas | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1538 | Gabunia | Valerian | M35-39 | GEO (Georgia) |
1539 | Gallay | Sylvain | M35-39 | FRA (France) |
1540 | Gams | Herbert | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1541 | Gan | Dennis David | M35-39 | PHL (Philippines) |
1542 | Gantner | Philipp | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1543 | Garrett | Chris | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1544 | Garrod | Thomas | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1545 | Gaugeler | Richard Walter | M35-39 | ZAF (South Africa) |
1546 | Gerstlohner | Christoph | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1547 | Giannone | Fabrizio | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
1548 | Giordano Imbroll | Steve | M35-39 | MLT (Malta) |
1549 | Glover | Joseph | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1550 | Godlewski | Krzysztof | M35-39 | POL (Poland) |
1551 | Goethals | Ward | M35-39 | BEL (Belgium) |
1552 | Goga | Milan | M35-39 | SVK (Slovakia) |
1553 | Gollowitsch | Thomas | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1554 | Golubykh | Alexey | M35-39 | RUS (Russian Federation) |
1555 | Gottsbacher | Rene | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1556 | Gruber | Markus | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1557 | Gruber | Bernhard | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1558 | Grubinger | Thomas | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1559 | Grün | Christoph | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1560 | Grünmüller | Sebastian | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1561 | Gyurjan | Tamas | M35-39 | HUN (Hungary) |
1562 | Hába | Jan | M35-39 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
1563 | Haid | Christoph | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1564 | Haider | Karl | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1565 | Hefka | Lukas | M35-39 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
1566 | Heim | Christoph | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
1567 | Hintersteiner | Roman | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1568 | Hlas | Jan | M35-39 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
1569 | Hobhouse | Henry | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1570 | Hrncar | Michal | M35-39 | SVK (Slovakia) |
1571 | Huerta Climent | Pablo | M35-39 | ESP (Spain) |
1572 | Hulme | Edward | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1573 | Iarossi | Davide | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
1574 | Ibarra Mañas | Manuel Ricardo | M35-39 | ESP (Spain) |
1575 | Iglesias Estellés | Jose | M35-39 | ESP (Spain) |
1576 | Ilesic | Aldo | M35-39 | SVN (Slovenia) |
1577 | Ivanyk | Igor | M35-39 | UKR (Ukraine) |
1578 | Jacko | Branislav | M35-39 | SVK (Slovakia) |
1579 | Jancke | Marko | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
1580 | Johns | Justin | M35-39 | USA (United States of America) |
1581 | Juss | Jaanus | M35-39 | EST (Estonia) |
1582 | Kaczor | Jakub | M35-39 | POL (Poland) |
1583 | Katzian | Robert | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1584 | Kenny | Alan | M35-39 | IRL (Ireland) |
1585 | Kharra | Narendra Singh | M35-39 | IND (India) |
1586 | Kilga | Stefan | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1587 | Klingler | Benjamin | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1588 | Kočar | Sašo | M35-39 | SVN (Slovenia) |
1589 | Kogelnig | Matthias | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1590 | Koller | Thomas | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1591 | Konrad | Andreas | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1592 | Kopriva | Harald | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1593 | Kosic | Dino | M35-39 | BIH (Bosnia and Herzegovina) |
1594 | Krah | Patrick | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
1595 | Krenn | Markus | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1596 | Krimbacher | Markus | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1597 | Kristiansen | Kenneth | M35-39 | DNK (Denmark) |
1598 | Kurz | Wolfgang | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1599 | Kusstatscher | Thomas | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
1600 | Ladd | Joseph | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1601 | Landl | Jan | M35-39 | SVK (Slovakia) |
1602 | Lassnig | Stefan | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1603 | Ledinski | Michael | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1604 | Lehnert | Guillaume | M35-39 | FRA (France) |
1605 | Lehrner | David | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1606 | Leifeld | Lars | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
1607 | Leitch | Adam | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1608 | Leone | Alessio | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
1609 | Liberis | Ilias | M35-39 | GRC (Greece) |
1610 | Liew | Brandem | M35-39 | SGP (Singapore) |
1611 | Lim | Patrick | M35-39 | PHL (Philippines) |
1612 | Lionello | Marco | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
1613 | Little | Anthony | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1614 | Loquet | Thomas | M35-39 | BEL (Belgium) |
1615 | Lösche | Thomas | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
1616 | Lupa | Marcin | M35-39 | POL (Poland) |
1617 | Mangion | Rowan | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1618 | Manhaeve | Bengi | M35-39 | BEL (Belgium) |
1619 | Arellano | Manuel | M35-39 | ESP (Spain) |
1620 | Marck | Gaetan | M35-39 | FRA (France) |
1621 | Mariani | Antonio | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
1622 | Marín García | Mario | M35-39 | MEX (Mexico) |
1623 | Marko | Danny | M35-39 | SVK (Slovakia) |
1624 | Martin | Ian | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1625 | Martinez | Jose Miguel | M35-39 | ESP (Spain) |
1626 | Matzbacher | Michael | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1627 | Maye | Gerrit | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
1628 | Mccready | Richard | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1629 | Mcewen | Alistair | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1630 | Mclynn | Ross | M35-39 | IRL (Ireland) |
1631 | Medessi | Stefano | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
1632 | Menninger | Sebastian | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
1633 | Merton | Colin | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1634 | Metcalfe | Danny | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1635 | Meybaum | Hardi | M35-39 | EST (Estonia) |
1636 | Mitropapas | Anastasis | M35-39 | GRC (Greece) |
1637 | Moharikar | Shekhar | M35-39 | IND (India) |
1638 | Moisenbichler | Michael | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1639 | Morgenstern | Jaap | M35-39 | NLD (Netherlands) |
1640 | Moser | Hermann | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1641 | Muirhead | Ross | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1642 | Müller | Christopher | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
1643 | Munro | Dan | M35-39 | CAN (Canada) |
1644 | Najman | Jakub | M35-39 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
1645 | Neukam | Gerald | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1646 | Neulinger | Andreas | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1647 | Nunn | Edward | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1648 | Obukhov | Ivan | M35-39 | UKR (Ukraine) |
1649 | Ofner | Bernd | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1650 | Ojalvo | Dolev | M35-39 | ISR (Israel) |
1651 | Ojeda | Marcos | M35-39 | ESP (Spain) |
1652 | Oliva | Marek | M35-39 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
1653 | Op ‚T Landt | Michel | M35-39 | NLD (Netherlands) |
1654 | Oren | Assaf | M35-39 | ISR (Israel) |
1655 | Pachschwöll | Andreas | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1656 | Palombella | Gaetano | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
1657 | Papados | Nicolas | M35-39 | CYP (Cyprus) |
1658 | Pardo Rueda | Juan Francisco | M35-39 | ESP (Spain) |
1659 | Parikh | Hardik | M35-39 | IND (India) |
1660 | Parikh | Pratik | M35-39 | IND (India) |
1661 | Patriot | Magnus | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1662 | Paynter | Micheal | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1663 | Perez Caro | Juan Carlos | M35-39 | ESP (Spain) |
1664 | Perez Soler | Guillermo | M35-39 | ESP (Spain) |
1665 | Peterka | Harald | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1666 | Pietrzak | BłaǏej | M35-39 | POL (Poland) |
1667 | Plautz | Raimund | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1668 | Plettl | Florian | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
1669 | Plona | Fabio | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
1670 | Podsiadlowski | Michal | M35-39 | POL (Poland) |
1671 | Polcan | Guido | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
1672 | Pozzato | Filippo | M35-39 | MCO (Monaco) |
1673 | Pressling | Jon | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1674 | Prinz | Moritz | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
1675 | Procházka | Rostislav | M35-39 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
1676 | Quetri | Niklas | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
1677 | Raderbauer | Robert | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1678 | Radermecker | Michel | M35-39 | BEL (Belgium) |
1679 | Radl | Florian | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1680 | Raffelt | Matthias | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
1681 | Raj | Aditya | M35-39 | IND (India) |
1682 | Rammerstorfer | Oliver | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1683 | Raybould | Sean | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1684 | Resch | Markus | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1685 | Richelle | Olivier | M35-39 | BEL (Belgium) |
1686 | Riera | Ricky | M35-39 | ESP (Spain) |
1687 | Risley | James | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1688 | Rodriguez Ortega | Diego | M35-39 | COL (Colombia) |
1689 | Rohrmoser | Reinhard | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1690 | Romano | Giuseppe | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
1691 | Romero Ortiz | Andres | M35-39 | ESP (Spain) |
1692 | Roßmann | Frank | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
1693 | Ruiz Monjo | Francisco Javier | M35-39 | ESP (Spain) |
1694 | Russell | Stuart | M35-39 | IRL (Ireland) |
1695 | Rutherford | Justin | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1696 | Rymkiewicz | Zbigniew | M35-39 | POL (Poland) |
1697 | Sanchez | Carlos | M35-39 | MEX (Mexico) |
1698 | Sandhaas | Jan | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
1699 | Sanfilippo | Damien | M35-39 | BEL (Belgium) |
1700 | Santacesaria | Vito | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
1701 | Savery | Andrew | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1702 | Savic | Vlado | M35-39 | SVN (Slovenia) |
1703 | Savoldi | Tommy | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
1704 | Schaner | Wolfgang | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1705 | Schintgen | Joël | M35-39 | LUX (Luxembourg) |
1706 | Schneider | Markus | M35-39 | CHE (Switzerland) |
1707 | Schober | Andreas | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1708 | Schönwetter | Julius | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1709 | Schor | Christof | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
1710 | Schreymayer | Silvio | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1711 | Schulnig | Andreas | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1712 | Schwaiger | Matthias | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1713 | Seewald | Jan Simon | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
1714 | Seimann | Erwin | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1715 | Sekoranja | Janez | M35-39 | SVN (Slovenia) |
1716 | Séra | Tamás | M35-39 | HUN (Hungary) |
1717 | Shechter | Liron | M35-39 | ISR (Israel) |
1718 | Shwartz | Yoad | M35-39 | ISR (Israel) |
1719 | Sigurjónsson | Einar | M35-39 | ISL (Iceland) |
1720 | Sipurzyński | Marcin | M35-39 | POL (Poland) |
1721 | Slapsak Pelliccioni | Luka | M35-39 | SVN (Slovenia) |
1722 | Smith | Mike | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1723 | Smith | Justin | M35-39 | ZAF (South Africa) |
1724 | Soliano | Paulinhno | M35-39 | SGP (Singapore) |
1725 | Sommer | Markus | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1726 | Sommerauer | Markus | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1727 | Sraka | Dejan | M35-39 | SVN (Slovenia) |
1728 | Stahlkopf | Sebastian | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
1729 | Steck | Dr. Florian | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
1730 | Steiner | Lukas | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1731 | Steininger | Thomas | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1732 | Strohschneider | Adrian | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
1733 | Strzelecki | Grzegorz | M35-39 | POL (Poland) |
1734 | Sufrin | Tsahi | M35-39 | ISR (Israel) |
1735 | Sugar | Eyal | M35-39 | ISR (Israel) |
1736 | Sullivan | Tom | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1737 | Sutmöller | Stefan | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
1738 | Sweeney | Brian | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1739 | Talakovics | Manuel | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1740 | Teklos | Andreas | M35-39 | CYP (Cyprus) |
1742 | Thomas | Janson | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
1743 | Tiveron | Massimo | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
1744 | Tonner | Kev | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1745 | Trallero Rodriguez | David | M35-39 | ESP (Spain) |
1746 | Trolese | Massimiliano | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
1747 | Tzeneralis | Petros | M35-39 | GRC (Greece) |
1748 | Usher | Will | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1749 | Valkenborghs | Tom | M35-39 | BEL (Belgium) |
1750 | Valsasina | Andrea | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
1751 | Van Dael | Bram | M35-39 | BEL (Belgium) |
1752 | Vanbelleghem | Sem | M35-39 | BEL (Belgium) |
1753 | Vedovati | Stefano | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
1754 | Vennevault | Sandro | M35-39 | FRA (France) |
1755 | Vervecken | Thomas | M35-39 | BEL (Belgium) |
1756 | Vestbirk | Jimmy | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1757 | Vicente Pascual | Francisco Tomas | M35-39 | ESP (Spain) |
1758 | Violaris | Michalis | M35-39 | CYP (Cyprus) |
1759 | Vollmer | Andreas | M35-39 | DEU (Germany) |
1760 | Von Raesfeld | Sampo | M35-39 | MEX (Mexico) |
1761 | Vukotic | Marko | M35-39 | SVN (Slovenia) |
1762 | Vylegzhanin | Maksim | M35-39 | RUS (Russian Federation) |
1763 | Wade | Adam | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1764 | Wagner | Josef | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1765 | Wharton | Peter | M35-39 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1766 | Wiedenhofer | Markus | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1767 | Willaert | Maarten | M35-39 | BEL (Belgium) |
1768 | Winter | Michael | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1769 | Wurzer | Gilbert | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1770 | Xu | Bo | M35-39 | CHN (China) |
1771 | Zamorano Díaz | Antonio | M35-39 | ESP (Spain) |
1772 | Zanoni | Max Junior | M35-39 | ITA (Italy) |
1773 | Zebedin | Christof | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1774 | Zeng | Jie | M35-39 | CHN (China) |
1775 | Zimpfer | Daniel | M35-39 | AUT (Austria) |
1776 | Zupanc | Anton | M35-39 | SVN (Slovenia) |
1777 | Zvulun | Dor | M35-39 | ISR (Israel) |
1778 | Achatz | Robert | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1779 | Adamča | Norbert | M40-44 | SVK (Slovakia) |
1780 | Agazzi | Dario | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
1781 | Ahtoniemi | Toni | M40-44 | FIN (Finland) |
1782 | Ahtoniemi | Janne | M40-44 | FIN (Finland) |
1783 | Amon | Stefan | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1784 | Andreou | Andreas | M40-44 | CYP (Cyprus) |
1785 | Andrews | Steve | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1786 | Antonelli | Alessio | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
1787 | Arany | Máté | M40-44 | HUN (Hungary) |
1788 | Ashtekar | Anand | M40-44 | IND (India) |
1789 | Avilés Garcia | Cristo | M40-44 | ESP (Spain) |
1790 | Avosani | Giovanni | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
1791 | Barasits | József | M40-44 | HUN (Hungary) |
1792 | Barbey | Christophe | M40-44 | FRA (France) |
1793 | Barone | Angelo | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
1794 | Barou | Francois | M40-44 | FRA (France) |
1795 | Basso | Corrado | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
1796 | Bauer | Hannes | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1797 | Bauernhofer | Kurt | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1798 | Bayliss | Mark | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1799 | Bellini | Giovanni | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
1800 | Bellotti | Manuel | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
1801 | Bergsma | Alex | M40-44 | NLD (Netherlands) |
1802 | Berry | Adrian | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1803 | Bertacco | Davide | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
1804 | Bicknell | Guy | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1805 | Bihlmaier | Markus | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
1806 | Biro | Zoltan | M40-44 | HUN (Hungary) |
1807 | Birtles | Ben | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1808 | Blagusz | Robert | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1809 | Bock | Marius | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1810 | Boever | Frank | M40-44 | LUX (Luxembourg) |
1811 | Bogataj | Aleš | M40-44 | SVN (Slovenia) |
1812 | Böhm | Andreas | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1813 | Bollen | Wim | M40-44 | BEL (Belgium) |
1814 | Boon | Dimitri | M40-44 | BEL (Belgium) |
1815 | Bötel | Sven | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
1816 | Bouma | Jiří | M40-44 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
1817 | Brell | Heiko | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
1818 | Breuer | Christian | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1819 | Breuer | Gerold | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1820 | Bridges | Alex | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1821 | Brines Armiñana | Abel | M40-44 | ESP (Spain) |
1822 | Brooks | Matthew | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1823 | Brotto | Cristian | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
1824 | Bula | Piotr | M40-44 | POL (Poland) |
1825 | Busch | Patrik | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1826 | Büschl | Flavius | M40-44 | ROU (Romania) |
1827 | Cacioli | Riccardo | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
1828 | Calegari | Alberto | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
1829 | Camek | Petr | M40-44 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
1830 | Campagna | Fabio | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
1831 | Campo | Hugo | M40-44 | ESP (Spain) |
1832 | Canning | Mike | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1833 | Carlesso | Marco | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
1834 | Carlier | Alan | M40-44 | BEL (Belgium) |
1835 | Carlo | Emanuele | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
1836 | Castro Fernández | Andrés | M40-44 | ESP (Spain) |
1837 | Cerrillo López | Manuel I. | M40-44 | ESP (Spain) |
1838 | Chamizer | Amir | M40-44 | ISR (Israel) |
1839 | Chen | Huawei | M40-44 | CHN (China) |
1840 | Chetrit | Jack | M40-44 | ISR (Israel) |
1841 | Chmielewski | Grzegorz | M40-44 | POL (Poland) |
1842 | Christophi | Stathis | M40-44 | CYP (Cyprus) |
1843 | Cicero González | Román | M40-44 | ESP (Spain) |
1844 | Cielo | Alessandro | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
1845 | Cifo | Javier | M40-44 | ESP (Spain) |
1846 | Clack | Thomas | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1847 | Cohen | Asaf | M40-44 | ISR (Israel) |
1848 | Cole | Nick | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1849 | Coles | Richard | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1850 | Colom Mas | Antonio | M40-44 | ESP (Spain) |
1851 | Comotti | Simone | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
1852 | Conner | Simon | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1853 | Cools | Andy | M40-44 | BEL (Belgium) |
1854 | Cordiez | Guillaume | M40-44 | FRA (France) |
1855 | Corpetti | Emmanuel | M40-44 | REU (Réunion) |
1856 | Costantino | Stefano | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
1857 | Crossland | John | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1858 | Cum | Davide | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
1859 | Dåsbjerg | Brian | M40-44 | DNK (Denmark) |
1860 | Dawiec | Alfred | M40-44 | POL (Poland) |
1861 | De Bouw | Tim | M40-44 | BEL (Belgium) |
1862 | De Clercq | Karel | M40-44 | BEL (Belgium) |
1863 | De Lorenzi | Francesco | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
1864 | Debeljak | Aleš | M40-44 | SVN (Slovenia) |
1865 | Dedina | Ondrej | M40-44 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
1866 | Delanghe | Camille | M40-44 | FRA (France) |
1867 | Devidè | Davide | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
1868 | Deyres | Thierry | M40-44 | FRA (France) |
1869 | Dick | Geert | M40-44 | BEL (Belgium) |
1870 | Doninelli | Daniele | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
1871 | Doornbos | Rob | M40-44 | NLD (Netherlands) |
1872 | Doppelhofer | Roland | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1873 | Dori | Sason Sasi | M40-44 | ISR (Israel) |
1874 | Doronin | Victor | M40-44 | RUS (Russian Federation) |
1875 | Dowd | Brendan | M40-44 | IRL (Ireland) |
1876 | Drury | David | M40-44 | IRL (Ireland) |
1877 | Dudok Van Heel | Bjørn | M40-44 | NLD (Netherlands) |
1878 | Dvorak | Tomas | M40-44 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
1879 | Eckett | Matt | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1880 | Edwards | Nicholas | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1881 | Egger | Markus | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1882 | Eicher | Andreas | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1883 | Eichner | Thomas | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1884 | Emberger | Lukas | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1885 | Engel | Thomas | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1886 | Enzo | Thomas | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
1887 | Erwa | Mohamed | M40-44 | SDN (Sudan) |
1888 | Esteban Gonzalez | David | M40-44 | ESP (Spain) |
1889 | Fabian | Frank | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1890 | Fascetti Leon | Francesco | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
1891 | Ferrero | Fulvio | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
1892 | Firpo | Simone | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
1893 | Fischer | Bertram | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
1894 | Flaccadori | Giovan Battista | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
1895 | Fletcher | Slater | M40-44 | USA (United States of America) |
1896 | Fonck | Klaas | M40-44 | BEL (Belgium) |
1897 | Fortune | Alex | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1898 | Freiberger | Alfred | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1899 | Fritz | Uwe | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1900 | Gabás Polo | Angel | M40-44 | ESP (Spain) |
1901 | Gábor | Jakus | M40-44 | HUN (Hungary) |
1902 | Gabrieli | Diego | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
1903 | Galajda | Péter | M40-44 | HUN (Hungary) |
1904 | Gavlas | Petr | M40-44 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
1905 | Gębala | Wojtek | M40-44 | POL (Poland) |
1906 | Geider | Jürgen | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1907 | Gibson | Ian | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1908 | Gollowitsch | Helmut | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1909 | Gonzalez Alvarez | Daniel | M40-44 | ESP (Spain) |
1910 | Gottfried | Andreas | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1911 | Grad | Martin | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1912 | Grosinger | Matthias | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1913 | Gruber | Peter | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1914 | Gruber | Bernhard | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1915 | Grzeskowiak | Maciej | M40-44 | POL (Poland) |
1916 | Gschaider | Christian | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1917 | Gualdani | Massimiliano | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
1918 | Guarniero | Davide | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
1919 | Guenebaut | Eric | M40-44 | FRA (France) |
1920 | Guerrini | Marco | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
1921 | Guger | Andreas | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1922 | Gugler | Thomas | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1923 | Gusev | Dmitry | M40-44 | RUS (Russian Federation) |
1924 | Gutsche | Lars | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
1925 | Hadler | Thomas | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1926 | Hai | Yossi | M40-44 | ISR (Israel) |
1927 | Halicki | Robert | M40-44 | POL (Poland) |
1928 | Hanes | Martin | M40-44 | SVK (Slovakia) |
1929 | Hanuš | Petr | M40-44 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
1930 | Hanusch | Folker | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
1931 | Haraldsson | Johann Fridrik | M40-44 | ISL (Iceland) |
1932 | Häring | Christian | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
1933 | Hauenschild | Jörg | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1934 | Haumann | Jürgen | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1935 | Hauptman | Matej | M40-44 | SVN (Slovenia) |
1936 | Hearne | Matthew | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1937 | Heid | Ingmar | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
1938 | Heinrich | Christian | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
1939 | Helsen | Hans | M40-44 | BEL (Belgium) |
1940 | Hendrickx | Yves | M40-44 | BEL (Belgium) |
1941 | Henych | Tomas | M40-44 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
1942 | Hinterplattner | Markus | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1943 | Holinka | Radek | M40-44 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
1944 | Höller | Thomas | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1945 | Höllersberger | Felix | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1946 | Holz Auf Der Heide | Ronny | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
1947 | Horacek | Michael | M40-44 | CHE (Switzerland) |
1948 | Horvath Dr. | Kristof | M40-44 | HUN (Hungary) |
1949 | Howard | Michael | M40-44 | ZAF (South Africa) |
1950 | Hübsch | Eric | M40-44 | LUX (Luxembourg) |
1951 | Hutchings | Matt | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1952 | Ibáñez Rodriguez | Eduardo | M40-44 | ESP (Spain) |
1953 | Illmer | Hermann | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1954 | Ilyas | Razwan | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1955 | Imosa | Jakub | M40-44 | POL (Poland) |
1956 | Janczarek | Arek | M40-44 | POL (Poland) |
1957 | Janeczko | Jared | M40-44 | USA (United States of America) |
1958 | Janus | Jacek | M40-44 | POL (Poland) |
1959 | Jany | Gernot | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1960 | Jennings | David | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1961 | Jeske | Christian | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
1962 | Jimenez Aisa | José Luis | M40-44 | ESP (Spain) |
1963 | Jimenez Domenech | Ruben | M40-44 | ESP (Spain) |
1964 | Johnston | Aron | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1965 | Jung | Lars | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
1966 | Kanja | Pavel | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1967 | Kaplon | Pawel | M40-44 | POL (Poland) |
1968 | Kastner | Matthias | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1969 | Katzmayr | Jürgen | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1970 | Kavvathas | Konstantinos | M40-44 | GRC (Greece) |
1971 | Keränen | Keijo | M40-44 | FIN (Finland) |
1972 | Kießling | Ralf | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
1973 | Kiraly | Alexander | M40-44 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
1974 | Kisser | Jakob | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1975 | Knittel-Heiß | Marcus | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
1976 | Knorz | Jochen | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
1977 | Kobialka | Michal | M40-44 | POL (Poland) |
1978 | Koch | Daniel | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
1979 | Kokes | Kevin | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1980 | Kołodziej | Mariusz | M40-44 | POL (Poland) |
1981 | Kolyukhov | Alexander | M40-44 | RUS (Russian Federation) |
1982 | Kömöz | Gergely | M40-44 | HUN (Hungary) |
1983 | Korelc | Matej | M40-44 | SVN (Slovenia) |
1984 | Korkmaz | Brusk | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
1985 | Koza | Hannes | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1986 | Kraft | Andreas | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1987 | Kralj | Alen | M40-44 | SVN (Slovenia) |
1988 | Kranabetter | Thomas | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1989 | Krogh | Esben | M40-44 | DNK (Denmark) |
1990 | Kruschitz | Christian | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1991 | Kulas | Matej | M40-44 | HRV (Croatia) |
1992 | Kumbharkar | Swapnil | M40-44 | IND (India) |
1993 | Lanz-Schlager | Bernhard | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1994 | Lasinger | Mario | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
1995 | Lasota | Rafal | M40-44 | POL (Poland) |
1996 | Launay | Etienne | M40-44 | FRA (France) |
1997 | Lazzaroni | Woody | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
1998 | Leorato | Stefano | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
1999 | Lev | Ori | M40-44 | ISR (Israel) |
2000 | Lewis | Tim | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2001 | Lienhart | Peter | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2002 | Lintern | Brad | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2003 | Lisci | Federico | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
2004 | Livne | Chen | M40-44 | ISR (Israel) |
2005 | Lowder | Chris | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2006 | Lugeon | Blaise | M40-44 | CHE (Switzerland) |
2007 | Lukman | Arlan Perkasa | M40-44 | IDN (Indonesia) |
2008 | Macaione | Antonino | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
2009 | Macgregor | Neil | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2010 | Madliak | Andrej | M40-44 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
2011 | Mahadevia | Hyuma | M40-44 | IND (India) |
2012 | Maidel | Michael | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
2013 | Mainardi | Luca | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
2014 | Mair | Andreas | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2015 | Malina | Vojta | M40-44 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
2016 | Mancini | Giancarlo | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
2017 | Marchenko | Ruslan | M40-44 | UKR (Ukraine) |
2018 | Marchi | Emanuele | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
2019 | Marchment | Miles | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2020 | Marini | Simone | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
2021 | Marti | Stefano | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
2022 | Marton | Matteo | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
2023 | Marzavan | Cristian | M40-44 | ROU (Romania) |
2024 | Mastronardi | Giuseppe | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
2025 | Mauersperger | Bernhard | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2026 | Maurer | Manuel Xavier | M40-44 | COL (Colombia) |
2027 | Mazzoleni | Gianluca | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
2028 | Mcdermott | Scott | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2030 | Meingassner | Wolfgang | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2031 | Mendez Alonso | Tim | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
2032 | Messersi | Federico | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
2033 | Michalec | Robert | M40-44 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
2034 | Mikula | Stefan | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2035 | Milis | Shachar | M40-44 | ISR (Israel) |
2036 | Mizrahi | David | M40-44 | ISR (Israel) |
2037 | Mohorovičić | Vedran | M40-44 | HRV (Croatia) |
2038 | Molin | Ted | M40-44 | SWE (Sweden) |
2039 | Moran | Ryan | M40-44 | USA (United States of America) |
2040 | Morel | Philip | M40-44 | CHE (Switzerland) |
2041 | Moretti | Luca | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
2042 | Morman | Dalibor | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2043 | Moss | Darren | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2044 | Müller | Gerald | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2045 | Müller | Jens | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
2046 | Müllner | Bernhard | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2047 | Muñoz Andrés | Daniel | M40-44 | ESP (Spain) |
2048 | Muñoz García | Francisco José | M40-44 | ESP (Spain) |
2049 | Muntean | Cristian | M40-44 | ROU (Romania) |
2050 | Namer | Roy | M40-44 | ISR (Israel) |
2051 | Nemeth | Robi | M40-44 | HUN (Hungary) |
2052 | Nichols | Jay | M40-44 | USA (United States of America) |
2053 | Nizzoli | Enrico | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
2054 | Nosek | Dalibor | M40-44 | SVK (Slovakia) |
2055 | Nunez | Nicholas | M40-44 | USA (United States of America) |
2056 | Oberstrass | Mario | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2057 | Oddsson | Ari | M40-44 | ISL (Iceland) |
2058 | Ofer | Golan | M40-44 | ISR (Israel) |
2059 | Omey | Henk | M40-44 | BEL (Belgium) |
2060 | Oren-Giladi | Nir | M40-44 | ISR (Israel) |
2061 | Otáhal | Jakub | M40-44 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
2062 | Ousko-Oberhoffer | Christian | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2063 | Overman | Jon | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2064 | Owens | William | M40-44 | IRL (Ireland) |
2065 | Papastylianou | Georgios | M40-44 | CYP (Cyprus) |
2066 | Parekh | Sohil | M40-44 | IND (India) |
2067 | Parrish | Martyn | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2068 | Parsons | Jon | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2069 | Partush | Shai | M40-44 | ISR (Israel) |
2070 | Paumier | Fabrice | M40-44 | FRA (France) |
2071 | Pauscher | Martin | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2072 | Pawson | Carl | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2073 | Peled | Ohad | M40-44 | ISR (Israel) |
2074 | Peleska | Alexander | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2075 | Perez Cantillo | Fernando | M40-44 | MEX (Mexico) |
2076 | Perfetti | Gianluigi | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
2077 | Pergovnik | Wolfgang | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2078 | Perniciaro | Vincenzo | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
2079 | Pichlík | Roman | M40-44 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
2080 | Pijnappels | Erik | M40-44 | NLD (Netherlands) |
2081 | Piske | Daniel | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
2082 | Plesz | Botond | M40-44 | HUN (Hungary) |
2083 | Podhajski | Stefan | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2084 | Polzhofer | Stefan | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2085 | Pon Palma | Cosme | M40-44 | ESP (Spain) |
2086 | Potzkai | Simon | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
2087 | Poves De La Rosa | Javier | M40-44 | ESP (Spain) |
2088 | Pracher | Josef | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2089 | Prasser | Stefan | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2090 | Pschebezin | Roland | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2091 | Pühringer | Armin | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2092 | Pujari | Babasaheb | M40-44 | IND (India) |
2093 | Pysz | Grzegorz | M40-44 | POL (Poland) |
2094 | Quinzi | Stefano | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
2095 | Raczkowski | Paweł | M40-44 | POL (Poland) |
2096 | Rama Cuberos | Timoteo | M40-44 | ESP (Spain) |
2097 | Ramp | Colin | M40-44 | CHE (Switzerland) |
2098 | Rampani | Alessandro | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
2099 | Rauch | Oliver | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
2100 | Reamsbottom | Matthew | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2101 | Reder | Matko | M40-44 | HRV (Croatia) |
2102 | Reese | Bren | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2103 | Reeves | Gavin | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2104 | Renson | Jonathan | M40-44 | BEL (Belgium) |
2105 | Reuter | Arne | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
2106 | Rex | Marko | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
2107 | Ricci | Fabio | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
2108 | Riener | Herbert | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2109 | Roberts | Aled | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2110 | Rocchitelli | Giulio | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
2111 | Rohrleitner | Wolfgang | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2112 | Rosado Jimenez | Jaime | M40-44 | ESP (Spain) |
2113 | Rostert | Steffen | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
2114 | Roth | Alexander | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2115 | Rotman | Ido | M40-44 | ISR (Israel) |
2116 | Ruiz Acevedo | Juan José | M40-44 | ESP (Spain) |
2117 | Sadeh | Oded | M40-44 | ISR (Israel) |
2118 | Sadykov | Kharis | M40-44 | RUS (Russian Federation) |
2119 | Sagmeister | Dietmar | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2120 | Sampson | Andy | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2121 | Sanchis Saiz | Jose Oscar | M40-44 | ESP (Spain) |
2122 | Sanders | Frederik | M40-44 | BEL (Belgium) |
2123 | Sartini | Cristian | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
2124 | Saxton | Brian | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2125 | Scheichl | Roland | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2126 | Scheickl | Markus | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2127 | Schicha | Markus | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2128 | Schiefer | Gerald | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2129 | Schimmerl | Robert | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2130 | Schmidt | Alexander | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
2131 | Schmieding | Pascal | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
2132 | Schöller | Reinhard | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2133 | Schroder | Raphael | M40-44 | BEL (Belgium) |
2134 | Schwarz | Peter | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2135 | Sciarrillo | Diego Antonio | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
2136 | Sebastia Gomez | Cristian | M40-44 | ESP (Spain) |
2137 | Sela | Tomer | M40-44 | ISR (Israel) |
2138 | Semchuk | Ruslan | M40-44 | UKR (Ukraine) |
2139 | Semrik Pollin | Yuval | M40-44 | ISR (Israel) |
2140 | Serrano | Sergio | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
2141 | Servais | David | M40-44 | BEL (Belgium) |
2142 | Seva Latorre | Israel | M40-44 | ESP (Spain) |
2143 | Sias | Francesco | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
2144 | Silvester | Daniel | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2145 | Simons | Jeroen | M40-44 | NLD (Netherlands) |
2146 | Skelton | David | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2147 | Sofocleous | George | M40-44 | CYP (Cyprus) |
2148 | Soni | Avinash | M40-44 | IND (India) |
2149 | Spener | Christian | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2150 | Sraka | Andrej | M40-44 | SVN (Slovenia) |
2151 | Stanke | Lukasz | M40-44 | POL (Poland) |
2152 | Stecker | Florian | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
2153 | Steenhout | Robrecht | M40-44 | BEL (Belgium) |
2154 | Steffens | Frank | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
2155 | Stegagno | Federico | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
2156 | Steinwendter | Klaus | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2157 | Štíbr | David | M40-44 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
2158 | Stöberl | Jochen | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
2159 | Strohmeier | Martin | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2160 | Strolz | Philipp | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2161 | Sturm | Werner | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2162 | Suriyadi | Boyke | M40-44 | IDN (Indonesia) |
2163 | Szydlowski | Marcin | M40-44 | POL (Poland) |
2164 | Tamborski | RaĨał | M40-44 | POL (Poland) |
2165 | Tamtelen | Alexandros | M40-44 | GRC (Greece) |
2166 | Tanninger | Roman | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2167 | Taylor | David | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2168 | Tessore | Davide | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
2169 | Timms | Stuart | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2170 | Tiveron | Oscar | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
2171 | Tomanek | Radek | M40-44 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
2172 | Toone | Mark | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2173 | Udali | Roberto | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
2174 | Upton | Chris | M40-44 | IRL (Ireland) |
2175 | Vandenabeele | Olivier | M40-44 | BEL (Belgium) |
2176 | Vanderschot | Sven | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
2177 | Vareschi | Marcello | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
2178 | Vargas | Alberto | M40-44 | Republic of)) |
2179 | Ventavoli | Matteo | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
2180 | Ventura | Avi | M40-44 | ISR (Israel) |
2181 | Vereycken | Raf | M40-44 | BEL (Belgium) |
2182 | Verloove | Olivier | M40-44 | BEL (Belgium) |
2183 | Veschi | Danilo | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
2184 | Veselovsky | Daniel | M40-44 | SVK (Slovakia) |
2185 | Viejo Medina | Gustavo | M40-44 | ESP (Spain) |
2186 | Vilzmann | Christian | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
2187 | Vispetri | Toni | M40-44 | CHE (Switzerland) |
2188 | Vitiello | Simone | M40-44 | ITA (Italy) |
2189 | Vordermayer | Christian | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
2190 | Vukotic | Matej | M40-44 | SVN (Slovenia) |
2191 | Waitz | Klaus | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2192 | Walch | Manuel | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2193 | Wallstein | Ronny | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
2194 | Walsh | Ger | M40-44 | IRL (Ireland) |
2195 | Weber | Michael | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
2196 | Wernick | Edward | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2197 | Wesendahl | Christian | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
2198 | Whittingham | Mat | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2199 | Widschwendter | Alex | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2200 | Wilkie | Edmund | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2201 | Willfahrt | Jens | M40-44 | DEU (Germany) |
2202 | Wiltschi | Rudolf | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2203 | Winn-Smith | Matthew | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2204 | Wormald | Alexander | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2205 | Worthington | Luke | M40-44 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2206 | Wu | Hao | M40-44 | CHN (China) |
2207 | Wutte | Christoph | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2208 | Xu | Alex | M40-44 | SGP (Singapore) |
2209 | Zaffir | Gabi | M40-44 | ISR (Israel) |
2210 | Zafir | Adiel | M40-44 | ISR (Israel) |
2211 | Zeman | Michael | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2212 | Ziegler | Daniel | M40-44 | CHE (Switzerland) |
2213 | Zima | Harald | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2214 | Zlobicki | Arek | M40-44 | POL (Poland) |
2215 | Zöchbauer | Markus | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2216 | Zöchling | Franz | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
2217 | Zukal | Jan | M40-44 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
2219 | Aichinger | Heiko | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2220 | Aigner | Christian | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2221 | Aitzetmüller | Christian | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2222 | Alciati | Maurizio | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2223 | Almendral Rodriguez | Oliver | M45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
2224 | Alony | Asaf | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2225 | Andalò | Luca | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2226 | Andrzejczyk | Sebastian | M45-49 | POL (Poland) |
2227 | Angelini | Stefano | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2228 | Arbeli | Ofer | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2229 | Atmosudiro | Irawan | M45-49 | IDN (Indonesia) |
2230 | Aubry | Eric | M45-49 | FRA (France) |
2231 | Aysenberg | Yakov | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2232 | Badolato | Luigi | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2233 | Bąk | Artur | M45-49 | POL (Poland) |
2234 | Baldelli | Simone | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2235 | Baldia | Norbert | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2236 | Ballinger | Peter | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2237 | Barnett | Miles | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2238 | Barroso I Pujol | Germà | M45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
2239 | Bartsch | Andreas | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2240 | Baumann | Christian | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2241 | Beconcini | Lapo | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2242 | Ben Shimol | Udi | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2243 | Benco | Roberto | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2244 | Ben-Gigi | Eyal | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2245 | Benita | Vincent | M45-49 | FRA (France) |
2246 | Benvenuti | Roberto | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2247 | Beraldo | Gianni | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2248 | Bergamo | Matteo | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2249 | Bergmans | Philippe | M45-49 | BEL (Belgium) |
2250 | Berto | Fabrizio | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2251 | Bettker | Sascha | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2252 | Bisazza | Giovanni | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2253 | Blasius | Jochen | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2254 | Borsetti | Gianluca | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2255 | Bozdogan | Marc | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2256 | Bramkamp | Martin | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2257 | Braun | Werner | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2258 | Bridgeman | Matt | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2259 | Callaghan | Pat | M45-49 | IRL (Ireland) |
2260 | Cannell | David | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2261 | Carey | Michael | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2262 | Carli | Flavio | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2263 | Carretero Sáez | Juan Manuel | M45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
2264 | Cattaneo | Luca | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2265 | Caverzan | Massimo | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2267 | Centemero | Simone | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2268 | Chadwick | Chris | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2269 | Charpentier | David | M45-49 | FRA (France) |
2270 | Christ | Heinz | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2271 | Cicalese | Giovanni | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2272 | Cinel | Luca | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2273 | Cinturrino | Carmelo | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2274 | Cizek | Dusan | M45-49 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
2275 | Co | Philip | M45-49 | PHL (Philippines) |
2276 | Colmsee | Nick | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2277 | Comi | Alberto | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2278 | Cooling | Marc | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2279 | Cortes Martinez | David | M45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
2280 | Counsell | John | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2281 | Critchley | Adam | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2282 | Daly | Fergal | M45-49 | IRL (Ireland) |
2283 | Daniel | Richard | M45-49 | IRL (Ireland) |
2284 | Davidson | Colin | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2285 | De La Porte | Shaun | M45-49 | ZAF (South Africa) |
2286 | De La Puerta | Benito | M45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
2287 | De Laet | Koen | M45-49 | BEL (Belgium) |
2288 | De Martel | Vincent | M45-49 | FRA (France) |
2289 | De Santis | Giuliano | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2290 | Debney | Rob | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2291 | Debouck | Kurt | M45-49 | BEL (Belgium) |
2292 | Del Solar Saavedra | Enrique | M45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
2293 | Deman | Peter | M45-49 | BEL (Belgium) |
2294 | Demiddel | Ken | M45-49 | BEL (Belgium) |
2295 | Deraed | Frédéric | M45-49 | FRA (France) |
2296 | Dessinges | Henri | M45-49 | FRA (France) |
2297 | Dhamane | Amar | M45-49 | IND (India) |
2298 | Di Sabatino | Fabrizio | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2299 | Dollimore | Chris | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2300 | Domènech | Edu | M45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
2301 | Dominici | Stefano | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2302 | Dotsenko | Dmytro | M45-49 | UKR (Ukraine) |
2303 | Dr.Liszta | Balázs | M45-49 | HUN (Hungary) |
2304 | Duffy | John | M45-49 | IRL (Ireland) |
2305 | Dunckley | Jon | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2306 | Dunzinger | Markus | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2307 | Ebers | Florian | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2308 | Edut | Ron | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2309 | Ehood | Yaniv | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2310 | Eickmann | Hannes | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2311 | Elal | Ofer | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2312 | Elsnig | Alexander | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2313 | Ennis | Tom | M45-49 | IRL (Ireland) |
2314 | Esposito | Renzo | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2315 | Esterbauer | Christoph | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2316 | Evans | James | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2317 | Evrard | Marc | M45-49 | BEL (Belgium) |
2318 | Ezer | Yosef | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2319 | Fabris | Emanuele | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2320 | Fallon | Andrew | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2321 | Farakte | Uttam | M45-49 | IND (India) |
2322 | Farina | Carlo Luigi | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2323 | Fee | Rick | M45-49 | USA (United States of America) |
2324 | Ferguson | Gary | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2325 | Ferretti | Luigi | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2326 | Filak | Sławomir | M45-49 | POL (Poland) |
2327 | Fisker | Jesper | M45-49 | DNK (Denmark) |
2329 | Fornes | David | M45-49 | FRA (France) |
2330 | Fox | David | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2331 | Fox | Garth | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2332 | Franken | Stephan | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2333 | Frohnwieser | Michael | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2334 | Frumkis | Tal | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2335 | Fry | Alex | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2336 | Fuhler | Bert | M45-49 | NLD (Netherlands) |
2337 | Gabriele | Matthieu | M45-49 | FRA (France) |
2338 | Gagliazzo | Andrea Francesco | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2339 | Gai | Itsic | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2340 | Gambin Candel | Santiago | M45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
2341 | Gamweger | Jürgen | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2342 | Garbi | Alessandro | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2343 | Garcia Canto | Oscar | M45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
2344 | Gattringer | Peter | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2345 | Gaugl | Robert | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2346 | Gavrieli | Baruch | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2347 | Gerngroß | Stefan | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2348 | Gessl | Andreas | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2349 | Giussani | Giuseppe | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2350 | Gloudemans | Jean-Pierre | M45-49 | NLD (Netherlands) |
2351 | Go | Siauw Hong | M45-49 | IDN (Indonesia) |
2352 | Godzisz | Dan | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2353 | Goossens | Ivan | M45-49 | BEL (Belgium) |
2354 | Gornik | Ivan | M45-49 | HRV (Croatia) |
2355 | Gotlib | Dror | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2356 | Graßhoff | Günther | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2357 | Gravås | Jo | M45-49 | NOR (Norway) |
2358 | Greiner | Hubert | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2359 | Grobner | Wolfgang | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2360 | Group | Whatever | M45-49 | HUN (Hungary) |
2361 | Gschwantner | Christian | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2362 | Gudgeon | Marc | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2363 | Gudreau | Robert | M45-49 | USA (United States of America) |
2364 | Gürsch | Karsten | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2365 | Guttenberger | Wolfgang | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2366 | Haag | Markus | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2367 | Hajszan | Saša | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2368 | Håkansson | Stefan | M45-49 | SWE (Sweden) |
2369 | Hall | Chris | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2370 | Hamer | Russell | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2371 | Hammerer | Hannes | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2372 | Hampel | Rainer | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2373 | Hansalik | Markus | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2374 | Hanschitz | Christian | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2375 | Hansell | Tim | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2376 | Harold | Raimund | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2377 | Harris | Mark | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2378 | Hartley | Rich | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2379 | Heaney | Mike | M45-49 | IRL (Ireland) |
2381 | Heer | Dennis | M45-49 | NLD (Netherlands) |
2382 | Hegelund | Steen | M45-49 | DNK (Denmark) |
2383 | Heri | Martin | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2384 | Hernandez | David | M45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
2385 | Hernández Alonso | Francisco Javier | M45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
2386 | Herzl | Markus | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2387 | Hession | Steven | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2388 | Hirmann | Georg | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2389 | Hitz | Alexander | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2390 | Hoferek | Karel | M45-49 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
2391 | Hofmeister | Rainer | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2392 | Hollander | Tal | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2393 | Holzner | Alexander | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2394 | Hornik | Avner | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2395 | Horvath | Robert | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2396 | Huang | Qiang | M45-49 | CHN (China) |
2397 | Hutt | Steve | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2398 | Hybloom | Arik | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2399 | Ingerisch | Michael | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2400 | Iotti | Mauro | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2401 | Jackson | Jonny | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2402 | Janse | Steven | M45-49 | BEL (Belgium) |
2403 | Jenkinson | Graham | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2404 | Jessop | Jeremy | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2405 | Jimenez Garcia | Rafael | M45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
2406 | Jimenez Mendoza | Jesus | M45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
2407 | Jimeno Sola | Miguel Angel | M45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
2408 | Johannessen | Jørgen | M45-49 | NOR (Norway) |
2409 | Johnston | Mark | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2410 | Jomrich | Gary | M45-49 | USA (United States of America) |
2411 | Jordan | Marc | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2412 | Jouy | Pierre-Emmanuel | M45-49 | FRA (France) |
2413 | Kager | Manfred | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2414 | Kalamar | Manfred | M45-49 | CHE (Switzerland) |
2415 | Kalk | Ami | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2416 | Kantor | David | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2417 | Kappacher | Norbert | M45-49 | BHS (Bahamas) |
2418 | Kaufman | Ran | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2419 | Kearney | Cathal | M45-49 | IRL (Ireland) |
2420 | Kerkoulas | Spyridon | M45-49 | GRC (Greece) |
2421 | Key | Neil | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2422 | Kis-Gál Dr. | Árpád | M45-49 | HUN (Hungary) |
2423 | Kleidon | Stefan | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2424 | Kniz | Peter | M45-49 | SVK (Slovakia) |
2425 | Knorz | Claus | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2426 | Koch | Markus | M45-49 | CHE (Switzerland) |
2427 | Köglberger | Thomas | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2428 | Koltypin | Petr | M45-49 | RUS (Russian Federation) |
2429 | Konradsen | Allan | M45-49 | DNK (Denmark) |
2430 | Koppitsch | Günther | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2431 | Kővári | Sándor | M45-49 | HUN (Hungary) |
2432 | Kraemer | Frank | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2433 | Krajnc | Igor | M45-49 | SVN (Slovenia) |
2434 | Kränzl | Ronald | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2435 | Kreys | Peter | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2436 | Kuehl | Michael | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2437 | Kummer | Mario | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2438 | Lacher | Roland | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2439 | Lang | Günter | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2440 | Larrañaga Egino | Aitor | M45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
2441 | Latour | Olivier | M45-49 | FRA (France) |
2442 | Lauxmann | Oliver | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2443 | Lazorik | Rastislav | M45-49 | ISL (Iceland) |
2444 | Leakey | Derek | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2445 | Legat | Thomas | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2446 | Leijnen | Roald | M45-49 | BEL (Belgium) |
2447 | Leithner | Arno | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2448 | Lerchbaumer | Georg | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2449 | Leshem | Eldad | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2450 | Levav | Oded | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2451 | Leveau | Olivier | M45-49 | FRA (France) |
2452 | Levi | Yehuda | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2453 | Lewenbauer | Michael | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2454 | Liebmingr | Sepp | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2455 | Lind | Stefan | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2456 | List | Wolfgang | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2457 | Lochore | Alec | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2458 | Lolli | Stefano | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2459 | Longo | Roberto | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2460 | Love | Jay | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2461 | Luise | Stefano | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2462 | Luther | Dirk | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2463 | Magal | Dror | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2464 | Magni | Tiziano | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2465 | Maier | Hannes | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2466 | Mancini | Daniele | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2467 | Manzi | Fabio | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2468 | Maoz | Sharon | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2469 | Maradin | Ivan | M45-49 | SVN (Slovenia) |
2470 | Maranò | Michele | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2471 | Marconi | Andrea | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2472 | Marsden | Alaric | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2473 | Marshall | Grant | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2474 | Martin | Jochen | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2475 | Maslowsky | Alessandro | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2476 | Mayer | Stefan | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2477 | Mazor | Eliraz | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2479 | Melis | Davide | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2480 | Menke | Michael | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2481 | Meszaros | Laszlo | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2482 | Meulemans | Steven | M45-49 | BEL (Belgium) |
2483 | Michael | Menhard | M45-49 | CHE (Switzerland) |
2484 | Michelini | Marco | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2485 | Miejski | Martin | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2486 | Minter-Green | Nicholas | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2487 | Mitresi | Marco | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2488 | Mitropapas | Giorgos | M45-49 | GRC (Greece) |
2489 | Mitták | Marcel | M45-49 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
2490 | Moauro | Aldo | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2491 | Möller | Kai | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2492 | Monat | Thomas | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2493 | Moore | Simon | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2494 | Morelli | David | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2495 | Morren | Scott | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2496 | Moser | Michael | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2497 | Mouzouras | Constantinos | M45-49 | CYP (Cyprus) |
2498 | Mrowka | Maciej | M45-49 | POL (Poland) |
2499 | Müller | Roland | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2500 | Nahon | Raphael | M45-49 | BEL (Belgium) |
2501 | Nassar | Najib | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2502 | Nebenführ | Wilfried | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2503 | Ness | Alastair | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2504 | Nilsen | Frank | M45-49 | NOR (Norway) |
2505 | Nilson | Scott | M45-49 | USA (United States of America) |
2506 | Nini | Bruno | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2507 | Nizankowski | Tomasz | M45-49 | POL (Poland) |
2508 | Noguera Pujol | Eusebio | M45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
2509 | Noseck | Sascha | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2510 | Oberhuber | Andreas | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2511 | Odvarka | Libor | M45-49 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
2512 | Oren | Itai | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2513 | Orlandini | Alessandro | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2514 | Orovits | Gerald | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2515 | Orpi Fernandez | David | M45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
2516 | Paau Pellicer | Francisco | M45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
2517 | Padilla Moreno | Jose | M45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
2518 | Pancirolli | Luca | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2519 | Paolini | Gabriele | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2520 | Paquay | Johan | M45-49 | BEL (Belgium) |
2521 | Parshani | Roni | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2522 | Parteder | Hannes | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2523 | Peischl | Johann | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2524 | Pellissier | Hervé | M45-49 | FRA (France) |
2525 | Penna | Ivano | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2526 | Perez Cantero | Adrian | M45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
2527 | Pérez Llamas | Alex | M45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
2528 | Perez Santos | Joaquin | M45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
2529 | Pershin | Aleksandr | M45-49 | RUS (Russian Federation) |
2530 | Petel | Avraaham | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2531 | Peters | Ralf | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2532 | Peters | Maarten | M45-49 | NLD (Netherlands) |
2533 | Petersen | Cuan | M45-49 | USA (United States of America) |
2534 | Pfeffer | Christian | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2535 | Pfeifer | Jürgen | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2536 | Pinali | Enrico | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2537 | Pinkitz | Volker | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2538 | Pitamic | Samo | M45-49 | SVN (Slovenia) |
2539 | Plainer | Christian | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2540 | Podbevsek | Sebastjan | M45-49 | SVN (Slovenia) |
2541 | Poljansek | Borut | M45-49 | SVN (Slovenia) |
2542 | Porat | Amir | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2543 | Portochese | Luciano | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2544 | Powar | Atul | M45-49 | IND (India) |
2545 | Praxmarer | Holger | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2546 | Prego | Gidi | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2547 | Presas | David | M45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
2548 | Price | Neil | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2549 | Prihoda | Martin | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2550 | Pring | Justin | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2551 | Pucker | Dieter | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2552 | Raimo | Catello | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2553 | Raso | Andreas | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2554 | Ratz | Markus | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2555 | Rauter | Guenther | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2556 | Rebić | Marko | M45-49 | HRV (Croatia) |
2557 | Regev | Yotam | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2558 | Reilly | Desmond | M45-49 | ZAF (South Africa) |
2559 | Reimer | Nicholas | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2560 | Reininger | Markus | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2561 | Rice | Roger | M45-49 | IRL (Ireland) |
2562 | Riehl | Sébastien | M45-49 | FRA (France) |
2563 | Rodriguez Maroto | Mario | M45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
2564 | Rolland | Wilfried | M45-49 | FRA (France) |
2565 | Romano | Enrico | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2566 | Romero Del Pueyo | Manuel | M45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
2567 | Roni | Armando | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2568 | Rosenne | Zvi | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2569 | Rouyer | Alexandre | M45-49 | FRA (France) |
2570 | Royer | Christian | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2571 | Ruckes | Sascha | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2572 | Ryan | Emmett | M45-49 | IRL (Ireland) |
2573 | Sachrau | Martin | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2574 | Sakoparnig | Ernst | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2575 | Sales | Ray | M45-49 | PHL (Philippines) |
2576 | Sammarco | Raffaele | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2577 | Sanchez Asensio | Baltasar | M45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
2578 | Sanco | Christian | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2579 | Sanderson | Tom | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2580 | Sanguinetti | Andrea | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2581 | Sapigni | Danilo | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2582 | Sauer | Klaus | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2583 | Sbarra | Agostino | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2584 | Sbarzagli | Gianluca | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2585 | Scheferling | Bjoern | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2586 | Schigelski | Florian | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2587 | Schmalzer | Manfred | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2588 | Schmitz | Michael | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2589 | Schnauder | Manfred | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2590 | Schuhmann | Steffen | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2591 | Schuster | Maik | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2592 | Schwarzbach | Thomas | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2593 | Schwarzbauer | Erwin | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2594 | Seagreen | Shane | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2595 | Segev | Dovy | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2596 | Serafino | Marchese | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2597 | Serroyen | Bart | M45-49 | BEL (Belgium) |
2598 | Shah | Samir | M45-49 | USA (United States of America) |
2599 | Shurki | Roni | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2600 | Sink | Tomaz | M45-49 | SVN (Slovenia) |
2601 | Skerlj | Wilhelm Michael | M45-49 | ESP (Spain) |
2602 | Smith | Ian | M45-49 | GGY (Guernsey) |
2603 | Solecki | Aleksander | M45-49 | POL (Poland) |
2604 | Soliano | Mark | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2605 | Sommer | Niels | M45-49 | DNK (Denmark) |
2606 | Sorrentino | Calogero | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2607 | Spener | Ulrich | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2608 | Stainer | Harald | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2609 | Stanek | Jochen | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2610 | Stanojević | Igor | M45-49 | SRB (Serbia) |
2611 | Stanzione | Guilhem | M45-49 | FRA (France) |
2612 | Stefan | Vasicek | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2613 | Steger | Harald | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2614 | Steinhaeusler | Thomas | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2615 | Stevens | Dan | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2616 | Stevenson | Nigel | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2617 | Strappaveccia | Stefano | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2618 | Strolz | Ortwin | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2619 | Stumbauer | Gerhard | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2620 | Sturm | Alexander | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2621 | Suntonvipart | Marvin | M45-49 | USA (United States of America) |
2622 | Švajcr | Radek | M45-49 | DMA (Dominica) |
2623 | Sweisa | Ronen | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2624 | Szlauer | Roman | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2625 | Szmolnik | Zoltan | M45-49 | HUN (Hungary) |
2626 | Taborelli | Andrea | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2627 | Tartaglia | Luigi | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2628 | Teneggi | Mirco | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2629 | Thöni | Martin | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2630 | Tidhar | Ari | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2631 | Tiefenbrunner | Georg | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2632 | Tille | Martin | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2633 | Töpfl | Gerhard | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2634 | Toro | Luca | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2635 | Toth | Oliver | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2636 | Triebe | Thomas | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2637 | Triemer | Sascha | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2638 | Trink | Hannes | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2639 | Trojan | Erwin | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2640 | Trowsdale | Paul | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2641 | Tschida | Christian | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2642 | Tüll | Erich | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2643 | Tyack | Lee | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2644 | Tzur | Adi | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2645 | Umgeher | Martin | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2646 | Underwood | Tim | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2647 | Války | Milan | M45-49 | SVK (Slovakia) |
2648 | Van Der Wal | Thomas | M45-49 | NLD (Netherlands) |
2649 | Van Parys | Olivier | M45-49 | BEL (Belgium) |
2650 | Vann | Christian | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2651 | Vanyi | Nikola | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2652 | Vatteroni | Ferdinando | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2653 | Velghe | Kurt | M45-49 | BEL (Belgium) |
2654 | Vernacotola | Gianluca | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2655 | Vesely | Alexander | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2656 | Vincent | Franck | M45-49 | FRA (France) |
2657 | Virieux Petit | Nicolas | M45-49 | FRA (France) |
2658 | Vodovar | Sasa | M45-49 | SRB (Serbia) |
2659 | Vospernik | Klemens | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2660 | Vouyiouklis | Alexandros | M45-49 | CYP (Cyprus) |
2661 | Wagener | Thorsten | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2662 | Walczak | Andrzej | M45-49 | POL (Poland) |
2663 | Walden | David | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2664 | Wallner | Franz | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2665 | Walter | Mike | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2666 | Walters | Lee | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2667 | Walz | Matthias | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2668 | Warganegara | Utama | M45-49 | IDN (Indonesia) |
2669 | Wegscheider | Georg | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2670 | Weinhoepl | Stefan | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2671 | Weldon | Dean | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2672 | Welsch | Michael | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2673 | Werner | Karl-Heinz | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2674 | Westoby | Philip | M45-49 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2675 | Wieringa | Erwin | M45-49 | NLD (Netherlands) |
2676 | Wilgar | Jay | M45-49 | CAN (Canada) |
2677 | Wilkin | Mirosław | M45-49 | POL (Poland) |
2678 | Wirth | Michael | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2679 | Wölik | Mario | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2680 | Wolmen | Gil | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2681 | Wongthaworn | Nacha | M45-49 | THA (Thailand) |
2682 | Wunderlich | Stephan | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2683 | Ye | Daqing | M45-49 | CHN (China) |
2684 | Zecchinato | Marco | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2685 | Zehnder | Markus | M45-49 | CHE (Switzerland) |
2686 | Zennaro | Alessandro | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2687 | Zennaro | Andrea | M45-49 | ITA (Italy) |
2688 | Zheng | Ye | M45-49 | CHN (China) |
2689 | Ziskind | Neer | M45-49 | ISR (Israel) |
2690 | Zühlke | Frank | M45-49 | DEU (Germany) |
2691 | Zulus | Karl | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
2692 | Abad Prieto | Jose Antonio | M50-54 | ESP (Spain) |
2693 | Adamove | Jan | M50-54 | SVK (Slovakia) |
2694 | Ahmad | Shafique | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2695 | Akrish | Yossi | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
2696 | Almeida | Pedro | M50-54 | PRT (Portugal) |
2697 | Alp | Murat | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2698 | Althoff | Markus | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
2699 | Amir | Roni | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
2700 | Amsalem | David | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
2701 | Angiolini | Marco | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2702 | Arts | Kris | M50-54 | BEL (Belgium) |
2703 | Asulin | Itzhak | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
2704 | Bäckenberger | Franz | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2705 | Barazza | Tomas | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2706 | Barison | Giampietro | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2707 | Barrull Guiu | Ramon | M50-54 | ESP (Spain) |
2708 | Baruch | Yuval | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
2709 | Barwise | Andy | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2710 | Bauer | Harald | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2711 | Beck | Oliver | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
2712 | Beeckman | Michel | M50-54 | BEL (Belgium) |
2714 | Beer | Martin | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2715 | Bellagamba | Alessandro | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2716 | Ben Atar | Sammy | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
2717 | Berger | Jürgen | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2718 | Bibi | Ronen | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
2719 | Blackburn | Kyle | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2720 | Bleyfuesz | Stéphan | M50-54 | BEL (Belgium) |
2721 | Blischke | Frank | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
2722 | Blue | Keevin | M50-54 | USA (United States of America) |
2723 | Bognermayr | Robert | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2724 | Boris | Bruno | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2725 | Borondy | Steve | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2726 | Bram | Amichay | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
2727 | Breda | Alessio | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2728 | Breen | Jonathan | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2729 | Breier | Thomas | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2730 | Bronkhorst | Johan | M50-54 | ZAF (South Africa) |
2731 | Brunskill | Adam | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2732 | Burton | Murray | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2733 | Canfora | Massimo | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2734 | Canyon | Alon | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
2735 | Carrera | Samuele | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2736 | Cartwright | Nicholas | M50-54 | OMN (Oman) |
2737 | Casiño | Paul Stephen | M50-54 | PHL (Philippines) |
2738 | Cecili | Luca | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2739 | Cecon | Johannes | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2740 | Chechik | Kim | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
2741 | Chervino | Giuseppe | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2742 | Chou | James | M50-54 | China) |
2743 | Claessens | Bart | M50-54 | BEL (Belgium) |
2744 | Clarkson | Andrea | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2745 | Claverie-Forgues | Sebastien | M50-54 | FRA (France) |
2746 | Coffani | Massimiliano | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2747 | Cohen | Aviv | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
2748 | Coldwell | Andrew | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2749 | Concetti | Valentino | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2750 | Cook | Chris | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2751 | Copp | Mark | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2752 | Cordes | Gerd | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
2753 | Costantin | Marco | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2754 | Cowen | Andy | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2755 | Crawford | Graham | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2756 | Crespi | Roberto | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2757 | Crommelinck | Frank | M50-54 | BEL (Belgium) |
2758 | Cürlis | Frank | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
2759 | Curran | Kevin | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2760 | Davis | Mike | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2761 | De Antoni | Paolo | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2762 | Decker | Jens | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
2763 | Devignot | Olivier | M50-54 | FRA (France) |
2764 | Di Mascio | Dennis | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2765 | Dietrich | Arno | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2766 | Docsion Mairena | Jesus Amador | M50-54 | ESP (Spain) |
2767 | Donat | Zvi | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
2768 | Dorfer | Peter | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2769 | Dorigo | Claudio | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
2770 | Dotto | Nicola | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2771 | Dovrat | Erez | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
2773 | Dr. Förster | Berthold | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
2774 | Dreyfus | Ilan | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
2775 | Dumpelnik | Markus | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2776 | Durao | Joao | M50-54 | PRT (Portugal) |
2777 | Dutschmann | Uwe | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
2778 | Dziubała | Radek | M50-54 | POL (Poland) |
2779 | Eder | Helmut | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2780 | Efrati | Efi | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
2781 | Ehrlich | Klaus | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2782 | Ellersdorfer | Bernd | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2783 | Ellersdorfer | Jörg | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2784 | Enenkel | Dirk | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
2785 | Engelhardt | Wolfgang | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2786 | Ernst | Eric | M50-54 | BEL (Belgium) |
2787 | Fehberger | Franz | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2788 | Ferrer López | Jaime | M50-54 | ESP (Spain) |
2789 | Ferri | Luca | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2790 | Fickers | Daniel | M50-54 | BEL (Belgium) |
2791 | Fischmann | Dieter | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2792 | Fitz | Helmut | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2793 | Fleming | Mark | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2794 | Fontanelli | Riccardo | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2795 | Fowler | Julian | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2796 | Fraiß | Roland | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2797 | Frank | Gottfried | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2798 | Fraser | Nicol | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2799 | Freunthaler | Manfred | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2800 | Frumkes | Shay | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
2801 | Fuller | Martin | M50-54 | Outlying Islands) |
2802 | Furlanis | Piergiovanni | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2803 | Fussi | Jürgen | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2804 | Galliard | Bruno | M50-54 | CHE (Switzerland) |
2805 | Ganani | Amit | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
2806 | Gaver | Doron | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
2807 | Gaviraghi | Gianluca | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2808 | Geer | Kevin | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2809 | Geissler | Wolfgang | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
2810 | Giamundo | Angelo Antonio | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2811 | Gillard | Patrice | M50-54 | BEL (Belgium) |
2812 | Ginn | Craig | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2813 | Goble | Greg | M50-54 | USA (United States of America) |
2814 | Goh | Peter | M50-54 | SGP (Singapore) |
2815 | Goral | Mieczyslaw | M50-54 | POL (Poland) |
2816 | Gray | Mark | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2817 | Grimstead | Darren | M50-54 | USA (United States of America) |
2818 | Grines | Yossi | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
2819 | Grobauer | Walter | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2820 | Gruber | Manfred | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2821 | Gruenbeck | Thomas | M50-54 | USA (United States of America) |
2822 | Gualini | Luca | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2823 | Guigal | Alain | M50-54 | FRA (France) |
2824 | Gunnarsson | Magnús | M50-54 | ISL (Iceland) |
2825 | Gust | Jeff | M50-54 | USA (United States of America) |
2826 | Hacohen | Nitzan | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
2827 | Haigh | Peter | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2828 | Hajek | Andreas | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2829 | Hamner | Jonas | M50-54 | SWE (Sweden) |
2830 | Hannay | Adrian | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2831 | Hanschitz | Günter | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2832 | Hascoet | Jean Francois | M50-54 | FRA (France) |
2833 | Hauer | Helmut | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2834 | Hausharter | Stefan | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2835 | Hawtree | Stephen | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2836 | Hechenberger | Peter | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2837 | Heger | Jiri | M50-54 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
2838 | Hennig | Carsten | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
2839 | Hensel | Alexander | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
2840 | Hindley | Andy | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2841 | Holmes | Jason | M50-54 | IRL (Ireland) |
2842 | Holtmann | Klaus | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
2843 | How | Timothy | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2844 | Hurter | Alan | M50-54 | ZAF (South Africa) |
2845 | Hyzl | Jaroslav | M50-54 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
2846 | Igumnov | Wolfgang | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2847 | Jabre | Kamal | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2848 | Jagielka | Krzysztof | M50-54 | POL (Poland) |
2849 | Jones | Gary | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2850 | Jørgenvåg | John Einar | M50-54 | NOR (Norway) |
2851 | Kaindl | Martin | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2852 | Karlsson | Peter | M50-54 | SWE (Sweden) |
2853 | Kern | Christof | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2854 | Kesson | Lance | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2855 | Keuschnig | Dietmar | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2856 | Kindl | Gabor | M50-54 | HUN (Hungary) |
2857 | Kirchgatterer | Kurt | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2858 | Kluczyński | Tomasz | M50-54 | POL (Poland) |
2859 | Kol | Amnom | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
2860 | Komemi | Doron | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
2861 | Kosobud | Martin | M50-54 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
2862 | Kovalenko | Gennadiy | M50-54 | UKR (Ukraine) |
2863 | Krajcirovic | Tomas | M50-54 | SVK (Slovakia) |
2864 | Kraushofer | Arnold | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2865 | Kriechbaum | Kurt | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2866 | Kriege | Markus | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
2867 | Kukrus | Andrey | M50-54 | RUS (Russian Federation) |
2868 | Kutscha-Wolf | Markus | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2869 | Lamprecht | Werner | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2870 | Landerl | Wolfgang | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2871 | Lang | Robert | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2872 | Larsen | Henrik | M50-54 | DNK (Denmark) |
2873 | Lavi | Lior | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
2874 | Lazzaretti | Paolo | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2875 | Leitner | Gerhard | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2876 | Leonard | Richard | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2877 | Lessig | Gunnar | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
2878 | Lessmann | Andreas | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2879 | Lev | Ran | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
2880 | Levi | Benny | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
2881 | Levinzon | Dagan | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
2882 | Lewis | Adam | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2883 | Litkowski | Zbigniew | M50-54 | POL (Poland) |
2884 | Maican | Sorin | M50-54 | ROU (Romania) |
2885 | Maione | Massimo | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2886 | Mair | Thomas | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2887 | Malaterra | Walter | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2888 | Mallinger | Arndt | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2889 | Maloigne | Fabrice | M50-54 | FRA (France) |
2890 | Mandl | Thomas | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2891 | Manke | Marcus | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
2892 | Marcus | Jacobus | M50-54 | USA (United States of America) |
2893 | Maresch | Ingo | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2894 | Mark | Jason | M50-54 | USA (United States of America) |
2895 | Marschall | Rudi | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
2896 | Maso | Luca | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2897 | Maté | Jesús | M50-54 | ESP (Spain) |
2898 | Matthiesen | Arne | M50-54 | DNK (Denmark) |
2899 | Mayer | Wayne | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2900 | Mayer | Stefan | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2901 | Meiners | Olaf | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
2902 | Menotti | Mauro | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2903 | Mercadante | Edoardo | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2904 | Mereu | Luca | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2905 | Michelík | Ján | M50-54 | SVK (Slovakia) |
2906 | Michelotto | Andrea | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2907 | Miersch | Roger | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
2908 | Mifsud | Liam | M50-54 | MLT (Malta) |
2909 | Miles | David | M50-54 | VGB (Virgin Islands (British)) |
2910 | Miller | Steve J | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2911 | Million | Olivier | M50-54 | FRA (France) |
2912 | Mirabella | Claudio | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2913 | Mitchell | David | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2914 | Moran | Tony | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2915 | Moreau | Alain | M50-54 | BEL (Belgium) |
2916 | Moreno | David | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
2917 | Mrskos | Petr | M50-54 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
2918 | Mueller | Dirk | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
2919 | Müllner | Günther | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2920 | Murenu | Matteo | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2921 | Nahmias | Philippe | M50-54 | FRA (France) |
2922 | Nebel | Christian | M50-54 | DNK (Denmark) |
2923 | Nicora | Massimo | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2924 | Nützmann | Toralf | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
2925 | Ofner | Christian | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2926 | Ogrisek | Wilfried | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2927 | Pagnacco | Massimiliano | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2928 | Panizzon | Battista | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2929 | Patil | Uday | M50-54 | IND (India) |
2930 | Paul | Rudolf | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2931 | Paulsen | Christian | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2932 | Paxton | Ed | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2933 | Pedrotti | Gianmario | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2934 | Pegac | Norbert | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2935 | Pegurri | Paolo | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2936 | Pelligra | Giovanni | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2937 | Pepperdine | Simon | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2938 | Pessini Diaz | Antonio | M50-54 | ESP (Spain) |
2939 | Petralia | Sean | M50-54 | GGY (Guernsey) |
2940 | Phua | Kelvin | M50-54 | SGP (Singapore) |
2941 | Piątek | Wiesław | M50-54 | POL (Poland) |
2942 | Pickering | Steven | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2943 | Piffer | Hermann | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2944 | Pilgermann | Mike | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
2945 | Piraux | Didier | M50-54 | BEL (Belgium) |
2946 | Polla | Enrico | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2947 | Ponton | Massimiliano | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2948 | Preinstorfer | Dietmar | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2949 | Prezzi | Franco | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2950 | Pribaz | Walter | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2951 | Pribernig | Peter | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2952 | Puangmaha | Wichan | M50-54 | THA (Thailand) |
2953 | Pucciarelli | Roberto | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2954 | Pusey | John | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2955 | Raisa | Luca | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2956 | Rasper | Siegfried | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2957 | Rattay | Wolfgang | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2958 | Ratz | Johann | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2959 | Rave | Rob | M50-54 | NLD (Netherlands) |
2960 | Raynaud | Stéphane | M50-54 | FRA (France) |
2961 | Redgate | David | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2962 | Redl | Andreas | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2963 | Resmini | Enrico Graziano | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2964 | Reynolds | Richard | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2965 | Riise | Scott | M50-54 | USA (United States of America) |
2966 | Riolfatti | Riccardo | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2967 | Rodilossi | Fabrizio | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2968 | Ron | Dan | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
2969 | Rongière | Christophe | M50-54 | FRA (France) |
2970 | Ross | Oliver | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
2971 | Rottenberg | Tom | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2972 | Ruggiero | Nicola | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2973 | Russell | Nicholas | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2974 | Sabathiel | Thomas | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2975 | Sachs | Steffen | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
2976 | Schell | Klaus | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2977 | Schlütter | Andreas | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
2978 | Schrempf | Bernhard | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2979 | Schwandl | Georg | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2980 | Seibert | Harald | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2981 | Sheppard | Richard | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
2982 | Sick | Michael | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2983 | Skála | Radek | M50-54 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
2984 | Small | Steve | M50-54 | USA (United States of America) |
2985 | Smith | Barry | M50-54 | CAN (Canada) |
2987 | Smole | Erwin | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2988 | Souillé | Gwénaël | M50-54 | FRA (France) |
2989 | Speigner | Wolfgang | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2990 | Spellitz | Manfred | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2991 | Spiegel | Dietmar | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2992 | Spreitzhofer | Alfred | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2993 | Stach | Enrico | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2994 | Stefan | Gernot | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2995 | Steindl | Christian | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2996 | Stivanello | Marco | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
2997 | Stöger | Markus | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
2998 | Strnad | Tomas | M50-54 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
2999 | Sturges | Stuart | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3000 | Susetti | Francesco | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
3001 | Tagliamonte | Giovanni | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
3002 | Tang | Alex | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3003 | Tennie | Arndt | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
3004 | Thomas | Andy | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3005 | Thomas | Barry | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3006 | Thornley | Simon | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3007 | Thornley | Simon | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3008 | Tompson | Andrew | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3009 | Trager | Maccabi (Jeff) | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
3010 | Traub | Thomas | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
3011 | Tuchman | Eyal | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
3012 | Tyblewski | Adam | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
3013 | Uziel | Amir | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
3014 | Vahldiek | Christian | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
3015 | Van Der Pol | Mark | M50-54 | NLD (Netherlands) |
3016 | Van Looy | Jean-Paul | M50-54 | BEL (Belgium) |
3017 | Vanderkeilen | Peter | M50-54 | BEL (Belgium) |
3018 | Varini | Valerio | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
3019 | Vianello | Nicolo‘ | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
3020 | Vogel | Andreas | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
3021 | Wagenhofer | Michael | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
3022 | Wagner | Matthias | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
3023 | Waldhutter | Martin | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
3024 | Weber | Hans | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
3025 | Weissenböck | Wolfgang | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
3026 | Wewer | Wilfred | M50-54 | NLD (Netherlands) |
3027 | Wicher | Klaus | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
3028 | Wiegele | Mark | M50-54 | CAN (Canada) |
3029 | Wieland | Walter | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
3030 | Wiesinger | Gerold | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
3031 | Wijnterp | Auke | M50-54 | NLD (Netherlands) |
3032 | Winshtat | Erez | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
3033 | Wittmershaus | Horst | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
3034 | Wodaczek | Johann | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
3035 | Wohlfarter | Roland | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
3036 | Wokurka | Manfred | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
3037 | Wolfsegger | Thomas | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
3038 | Wollenberg | Jens | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
3039 | Woodward | Mark | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3040 | Yavin | Rony | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
3041 | Young | Martin | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3042 | Zach | Wilhelm | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
3043 | Zanaboni | Cesare | M50-54 | ITA (Italy) |
3044 | Zechner | Peter | M50-54 | AUT (Austria) |
3045 | Zimmer | Olivier | M50-54 | DEU (Germany) |
3046 | Zissu | Gil | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
3047 | Zucker | Zachi | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
3048 | Zvulun | Gil | M50-54 | ISR (Israel) |
3049 | Achatz | Dieter | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3050 | Alberti | Giorgio | M55-59 | ITA (Italy) |
3051 | Alm | Johan | M55-59 | SWE (Sweden) |
3052 | Apollonio | Arno | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3053 | Arnold | Jana | M55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
3054 | Arnold | Rainer | M55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
3055 | Auer | Karl | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3056 | Ballard | David | M55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3057 | Barclay | Charles | M55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3058 | Bargellini | Stefano | M55-59 | ITA (Italy) |
3059 | Barile | Pasquale | M55-59 | ITA (Italy) |
3060 | Bartonik | Robert | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3061 | Battista | Antonio | M55-59 | ITA (Italy) |
3062 | Benchetrit | Samy | M55-59 | ISR (Israel) |
3063 | Bernsteiner | Albert | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3064 | Beuthan | Rainer | M55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
3065 | Bidwell | Martyn | M55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3066 | Bradford | Chris | M55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3067 | Brady | Michael | M55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3068 | Brugger | Reinhard | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3069 | Brunner | Christian | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3070 | Burrows | Alan | M55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3071 | Buskila | Boaz | M55-59 | ISR (Israel) |
3072 | Charles | Marc | M55-59 | BEL (Belgium) |
3073 | Chua | Joseph Eng Hian | M55-59 | SGP (Singapore) |
3074 | Cox | Greg | M55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3075 | De Angelis | Maurizio | M55-59 | ITA (Italy) |
3076 | De Bels | Eddy | M55-59 | BEL (Belgium) |
3077 | De Bokx | Jack | M55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3078 | De Koninck | Patrick | M55-59 | BEL (Belgium) |
3079 | De Maeseneer | Jos | M55-59 | BEL (Belgium) |
3080 | Devetak | Igor | M55-59 | ITA (Italy) |
3081 | Di Bari | Valerio | M55-59 | CHE (Switzerland) |
3082 | Domnik | Norbert | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3083 | Donat | Michel | M55-59 | CHE (Switzerland) |
3084 | Dorr | Bruce | M55-59 | USA (United States of America) |
3085 | Dr.Med.Salmen | Antonius | M55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
3086 | Dringoli | Luca | M55-59 | ITA (Italy) |
3087 | Dufek | Gerald | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3088 | Dyer | Nick | M55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3089 | Elwing | Nicolas | M55-59 | SWE (Sweden) |
3090 | Fresco | Carlos | M55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3091 | Gathmann | Uwe | M55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
3092 | Gaus | Jürgen | M55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
3093 | Giese | Ulrich | M55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
3094 | Greschniok | Martin | M55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
3095 | Groh | Matthäus | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3096 | Grosse | Michael | M55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
3097 | Gruber | Peter | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3098 | Guggiola | Paolo | M55-59 | ITA (Italy) |
3099 | Haas | Andreas | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3100 | Haenni | Henri | M55-59 | CHE (Switzerland) |
3101 | Hagleitner | Wolfgang | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3102 | Haring | Gerhard | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3103 | Haslinger | Lothar | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3104 | Heidelbauer | Kurt | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3105 | Herbsthofer | Josef | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3106 | Higgs | Mark | M55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3107 | Hill | Mark | M55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3108 | Hillebrecht | Harald | M55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
3109 | Hindle | James | M55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3110 | Hobek | Gerhard | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3111 | Hochauer | Helmut | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3112 | Hoffmann | Peter | M55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
3113 | Höller | Gerhard | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3114 | Holzmann | Robert | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3115 | Höntschel | Henry | M55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
3116 | Horny | Hubert | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3117 | Horsfield | Richard | M55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3118 | Hughes | Aidan | M55-59 | IRL (Ireland) |
3119 | Hütter | Gerhard | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3120 | Itarte | Jose Antonio | M55-59 | ESP (Spain) |
3121 | Jabornig | Ernst Fabian | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3122 | Jane Noblom | Roman | M55-59 | ESP (Spain) |
3123 | Karber | Klaus | M55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
3124 | Karner | Johann | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3125 | Kemetzhofer | Peter | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3126 | Kitching | Ian | M55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3127 | Knaller | Michael | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3128 | Kompek | Markus | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3129 | Kottner | Erich | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3130 | Kriznic | Roberto | M55-59 | ITA (Italy) |
3131 | Kropp | Uwe | M55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
3132 | Kubesch | Günter | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3133 | Lakeit | Arne | M55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
3134 | Langbroek | Arjen | M55-59 | NLD (Netherlands) |
3135 | Lapied | Bruno | M55-59 | FRA (France) |
3136 | Larcombe | David | M55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3137 | Lercher | Andreas | M55-59 | ITA (Italy) |
3138 | Lintner | Robert | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3139 | Lombardo | Paolo | M55-59 | ITA (Italy) |
3140 | Lösch | Kurt | M55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
3141 | Lothaller | Clemens | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3142 | Magoni | Livio | M55-59 | ITA (Italy) |
3143 | Mainardi | Massimo | M55-59 | ITA (Italy) |
3144 | Malka | Morris | M55-59 | ISR (Israel) |
3145 | Mandel | Ronen | M55-59 | ISR (Israel) |
3146 | Maritati | Giacomo | M55-59 | ITA (Italy) |
3147 | Martin | Philip | M55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3148 | Matthews | Tim | M55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3149 | Mcgill | Grant | M55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3150 | Meiss | Andreas | M55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
3151 | Mellewigt | Thomas | M55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
3152 | Mensaert | Johan | M55-59 | BEL (Belgium) |
3153 | Nejjar | Ahmed | M55-59 | MAR (Morocco) |
3154 | Obilcnik | Helmuth | M55-59 | PER (Peru) |
3155 | Owen | Robert | M55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3156 | Payr | Edwin | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3157 | Pearce | Danny | M55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3158 | Pettersson | Mikael | M55-59 | SWE (Sweden) |
3159 | Peyroche | Gilles | M55-59 | ITA (Italy) |
3160 | Pfeiffer | Christian | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3161 | Porcaro | Antonio | M55-59 | ITA (Italy) |
3162 | Potocnik | Heribert | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3163 | Prentis | Adam | M55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3164 | Prießmann | Heinz | M55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
3165 | Pritz | Matthias | M55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
3166 | Rais | Ittai | M55-59 | ISR (Israel) |
3167 | Ramaglia | Angelo | M55-59 | ITA (Italy) |
3168 | Rausch | Georg | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3169 | Righini | Clavio | M55-59 | ITA (Italy) |
3170 | Ring | Brendan | M55-59 | IRL (Ireland) |
3171 | Rogers | Mark | M55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3172 | Rossi | Luigi | M55-59 | ITA (Italy) |
3173 | Salomon | Chen | M55-59 | ISR (Israel) |
3174 | Sancandi | Alberto | M55-59 | ITA (Italy) |
3175 | Santo | Pavel | M55-59 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
3176 | Scharmach | Thomas | M55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
3177 | Schmid | Adolf | M55-59 | ITA (Italy) |
3178 | Schmid | Nikolaus | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3179 | Schmied | Günter | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3180 | Schneemann | Thorsten | M55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
3181 | Schrittesser | Wolfram | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3182 | Schröder | Reinhard | M55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
3183 | Schwarzl | Horst Karl | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3184 | Sergas | Dario | M55-59 | ITA (Italy) |
3185 | Shalev | Zeev Shimshon | M55-59 | ISR (Israel) |
3186 | Sharf | Eyal | M55-59 | ISR (Israel) |
3187 | Shavit | Zohar | M55-59 | ISR (Israel) |
3188 | Siegl | Thomas | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3189 | Sifferlinger | Bernhard | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3190 | Smatera | Petr | M55-59 | CZE (Czech Republic) |
3191 | Smyth | Michael | M55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3192 | Starke | Bernd | M55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
3193 | Stender | Uwe | M55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
3194 | Strajher | Nino | M55-59 | HRV (Croatia) |
3195 | Sumner | Phil | M55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3196 | Tabor | Erwin | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3197 | Tan | Kay Chuan | M55-59 | SGP (Singapore) |
3198 | Tekath | Helmut | M55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
3199 | Thür | Stefan | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3200 | Tierney | Gerry | M55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3201 | Timmermans | Koos | M55-59 | NLD (Netherlands) |
3202 | Tomasino | Giuseppe | M55-59 | ITA (Italy) |
3203 | Treiber | Gerhard | M55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
3204 | Tremmel | Robert | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3205 | Valkenberg | Joost | M55-59 | NLD (Netherlands) |
3206 | Van Der Gucht | Michael | M55-59 | BEL (Belgium) |
3207 | Wesp | Klaus | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3208 | Wilkinson | Jon | M55-59 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3209 | Will | Andreas | M55-59 | DEU (Germany) |
3210 | Wolfger | Markus | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3211 | Wongkaren | Ivo | M55-59 | IDN (Indonesia) |
3212 | Yantapure | Basappa | M55-59 | IND (India) |
3213 | Zaif | Zohar | M55-59 | ISR (Israel) |
3214 | Zauner | Johannes | M55-59 | AUT (Austria) |
3215 | Zoratti | Mario | M55-59 | ITA (Italy) |
3216 | Aniello | Roberto | M60-64 | ITA (Italy) |
3217 | Arcadio | Domenico | M60-64 | ITA (Italy) |
3218 | Benaddou-Idrissi | Chakir | M60-64 | MAR (Morocco) |
3219 | Bertolini | Marco | M60-64 | ITA (Italy) |
3220 | Calzavara | Alessandro | M60-64 | CHE (Switzerland) |
3221 | Caspi | Moshe | M60-64 | ISR (Israel) |
3222 | Creighton | Richard | M60-64 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3223 | Cruchley | Steve | M60-64 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3224 | Dacoury | Richard | M60-64 | FRA (France) |
3225 | Debenec | Bojan | M60-64 | SVN (Slovenia) |
3226 | Dollinger | Thomas | M60-64 | DEU (Germany) |
3227 | Dr. Prieler | Albrecht | M60-64 | AUT (Austria) |
3228 | Elflein | Georg | M60-64 | DEU (Germany) |
3229 | Goriwoda | Timo | M60-64 | DEU (Germany) |
3230 | Grill | Johann | M60-64 | AUT (Austria) |
3231 | Grossi | Stefano | M60-64 | ITA (Italy) |
3232 | Hohr | Martin | M60-64 | DEU (Germany) |
3233 | Hufnagl | Hans | M60-64 | AUT (Austria) |
3234 | Jadhav | Dashrath | M60-64 | IND (India) |
3235 | Macchioni | Sergio | M60-64 | ITA (Italy) |
3236 | Mandler | Hermann | M60-64 | AUT (Austria) |
3237 | Mawhinney | Dave | M60-64 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3238 | Mayr | Harald | M60-64 | AUT (Austria) |
3239 | Michelis | Mauro | M60-64 | ITA (Italy) |
3240 | Nizzola | Roberto | M60-64 | ITA (Italy) |
3241 | Oehme | Ekkehard | M60-64 | DEU (Germany) |
3242 | Pace | Greg | M60-64 | CAN (Canada) |
3243 | Parris | Jeff | M60-64 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3244 | Pawson | William | M60-64 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3245 | Penka | Wolfgang | M60-64 | AUT (Austria) |
3246 | Polec | Lech | M60-64 | POL (Poland) |
3247 | Poleg Falk | Mtityahu | M60-64 | ISR (Israel) |
3248 | Rathbauer | Joachim | M60-64 | AUT (Austria) |
3249 | Rechberger | Hermann | M60-64 | AUT (Austria) |
3250 | Rodarte | Rene | M60-64 | USA (United States of America) |
3251 | Schmid | Marcel | M60-64 | CHE (Switzerland) |
3252 | Simpson | David | M60-64 | ZAF (South Africa) |
3253 | Sokoll | Peter | M60-64 | DEU (Germany) |
3254 | Sommer | Wolfgang | M60-64 | AUT (Austria) |
3255 | Stattmann | Peter | M60-64 | AUT (Austria) |
3256 | Strauß | Edgar | M60-64 | DEU (Germany) |
3257 | Strobel | Rainer | M60-64 | DEU (Germany) |
3258 | Tomförde | Jürgen | M60-64 | DEU (Germany) |
3259 | Vermeire | Geert | M60-64 | BEL (Belgium) |
3260 | Viden | Danko | M60-64 | AUT (Austria) |
3261 | Vollenwyder | Heinz | M60-64 | AUT (Austria) |
3262 | Wildt | Reinhard | M60-64 | DEU (Germany) |
3263 | Wohlfahrt | Andreas | M60-64 | AUT (Austria) |
3264 | Assmann | Holger | M65-69 | DEU (Germany) |
3265 | Blauensteiner | Herbert | M65-69 | AUT (Austria) |
3266 | Briamo | Gianfranco | M65-69 | ITA (Italy) |
3267 | Daly | Brad | M65-69 | USA (United States of America) |
3268 | Engeser | Bernhard | M65-69 | DEU (Germany) |
3269 | Field | John Maurice | M65-69 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3270 | Förster | Gustav | M65-69 | DEU (Germany) |
3271 | Gaffal | Werner | M65-69 | AUT (Austria) |
3272 | Guez | Michel | M65-69 | ISR (Israel) |
3273 | Honey | David | M65-69 | GGY (Guernsey) |
3274 | Quendt | Wolfgang | M65-69 | DEU (Germany) |
3275 | Samyn | Gilles | M65-69 | BEL (Belgium) |
3276 | Schneider-Foitzik | Paul | M65-69 | DEU (Germany) |
3277 | Weitensfelder | Wolfgang | M65-69 | AUT (Austria) |
3278 | Fry | John | M70-74 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3279 | Hölbling | Wolfgang | M70-74 | AUT (Austria) |
3280 | Pressling | Robert | M70-74 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3281 | Škrlep | Anton | M70-74 | SVN (Slovenia) |
3282 | Arvay | Rüdiger | M75-79 | AUT (Austria) |
3283 | Spreitzgrabner | Richard | M75-79 | AUT (Austria) |
3284 | Strobl | Alexander | M45-49 | AUT (Austria) |
3285 | Klieger | Uzi | M40-44 | ISR (Israel) |
3286 | Lomi | Emilio | M55-59 | ITA (Italy) |
3287 | Corrigan | Dane | M35-39 | USA (United States of America) |
3288 | Aigner | Miriam | F30-34 | AUT (Austria) |
3289 | Cater | Adrian | M50-54 | Britain and Northern Ireland) |
3290 | Aeschlimann | Pascal | M45-49 | CHE (Switzerland) |
3291 | Sellner | Michael | M40-44 | AUT (Austria) |
3292 | Ronaszeki | Balazs | M35-39 | HUN (Hungary) |
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